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Blogging Convention hits Chicago, May 11-12 — Courtesy of Liz Strauss

Blogging Convention hits Chicago, May 11-12 — Courtesy of Liz Strauss

One of our own BlogHerald staff, Liz Strauss, is throwing a blogging convention this May in Chicago, and it looks like its going to be a great time.  The name of the convention is “SOBCon07“; “SOB” is the name Liz has given a select group of bloggers who are “Successful and Outstanding Bloggers of Successful Blog”.

What will bloggers learn by going to this convention?   

Well, bloggers will learn how to take their blogs to the next level — and get a handle on the science, art and technology of blogging.  With seats limited to 250 bloggers, I’d suggest you head on over to their site and book a seat for yourself.  Tickets start at $350 if you book before April 1st.

Keynote speakers include Phil Gerbyshak, of Make it Great; Liz Strauss (of course); and a panel including Scott Rafer from MyBlogLog, and Janice Myint from Technorati. 

One other thing …

The BlogHerald is one of the sponsors of the event, and yours truly (me) will almost certainly be on hand to shake hands and press the flesh, as it were.

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If you find yourself in Chicago, swing on by.  I know I’d love to meet as many BlogHerald readers in person — and I know that Liz has a great schedule that will appeal to many bloggers, new and experienced alike.



View Comments (7)
  • Hey Tony!
    One of the best parts will be getting to meet everybody that I talk to every day. You are one I’m really looking forward to seeing. Thanks for being a sponsor and for sharing the news!

  • Liz, I was talking to Tony about this earlier, and I have to say I’m a little disappointed at the $350 tag on the conference. This is especially surprising since I imagine you know that most bloggers don’t make that much money.

    On a side note, any chance for a student discount? I live in Chicago and it would be an absolute shame for me to miss the conference and a chance to meet some great people.

  • Hi Mohammad!
    Thank you for stating your concern so politely. So many people would have kept quite or not been nearly so thoughtful in their wording. I appreciate that you left a place from which I might talk. :)

    You’re right, Mohammad. I do know. I have a son in university and I pay for it. It would more than a shame for you to miss the conference. It would also be our loss. I’ll be getting in touch with you about how we might remedy that situation.

    I want you to know that the five of us on the main team, who are working overtime to make this happen, are donating our time because we believe in the cause — to offer relationship bloggers a conference that is about people AND information — our phone bills and expenses aren’t even being tracked.

    Still, that’s not important what’s important is that you believed enough to tell me and now it’s my turn.

  • Hi, I love reading your blog and Liz’s as well. I am really new to blogging but addicted allready.

    I had the same thought as Mohammad. The price is just a little out of my current price range and I also live in the Chicago area. I was excited to see such an event so close to home. I would like to ask if there would be transcripts available from some of the conference events afterwards? I know everyone will be blogging about it when they finish but it would be nice to get a taste of the conference for those who not only could not afford it but may have scheduling issues.

    I have been learning as much as I can from other bloggers so I can evolve into a more professional mode and move away from the limits of templates. Keep up the awesome information.


  • Hi Donna,
    I’m sorry that you can’t come to be with us. I wonder whether we should offer tickets to the night before so that folks at least be at the community night? Hotel events are so darn expensive to put on we packed the value, If you could come I would try you a sponsor.

    The good news is that Blog Talk Radio will be arciving the event. :)

    If your’e in Chicago. I’d love to email with and maybe meet for coffee to talk about blogging. ;)

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