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Comparing WordPress to Drupal

Comparing WordPress to Drupal

Both WordPress and Drupal have strong followers, and they rarely agree on what platform is more suitable for various projects. If you’re a user of one of these platforms, maybe you should eye the other? Check out the comparison over at Performancing for a great start.

I’ve just done minor work with Drupal, so I don’t know the system very well. I found it somewhat bulky though, not Joomla bulky, but still bulky compared to more focused solutions.

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  • I was using Drupal for a while there, and now the only site I have it still installed is I can see that it is a great tool, very expandable, flexible, and so on.

    But if you just need to blog, to share thoughts and socialise with your online community, WordPress is by far the simpler solution, and that is what most of my sites now run on.

  • For a small site that will be maintained by non-technical users and serves primarily as a blog, WordPress is a great solution. It is super-easy to set up and even the most technically challenged user can have a fairly nice-looking blog set up in minutes if the blog is hosted on

    While many folks use Drupal to create a traditional blog or website, it is really a general application framework that can be used for virtually any website or application. I am a PHP programmer and absolutely love Drupal for its power and flexibility, but there are several community-supported modules for Drupal that provide pretty powerful features and don’t require any programming knowledge.

    So, I’d say Drupal might be worth getting into for anyone who envisions a website that could one day be much more than just a blog.

  • It’s really an apples-to-oranges comparison. I think people try to make the comparison because of a fundamental misunderstanding about the purposes of these platforms.

    If you want a very pretty blog, use wordpress. If you want a framework for a full website, use Drupal. They’re designed for two very different functions.

    WordPress is getting more and more “CMS-like” every day, but that doesn’t change the fact that at its foundation, it’s a blogging platform, and the developers have never tried to make it out to be anything more complex than that. It’s the plugin developers that are trying to blur the line, and the numerous bugs that can arise from plugin incompatibility are evidence that many of the plugin developers are trying to make WordPress something it’s not, to the detriment of the platform.

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