Denton planning “blog on blogs” with a twist
by Duncan
May 3, 2005
Duncan Riley> Andrew Krucoff writes back in April that he has been approached by Nick Denton and Lockhart Steele into doing a “blog about blogs”, and compared the concept to the Blog Herald but with bitchy blog gossip and trash-talkin.
I’m hurt, I’m obviously being too nice lately and and as a consequence Nick sees a uncatered niche. :-)
Seriously though, there is so much fodder out there in the blogosphere with some time and effort you could have a field day with bloggers, blogs and their posts. And 50 million odd blogs is a lot of fodder. And at the end of the day, if we can’t laugh at ourselves, we shouldn’t be here.
I don’t see The Blog Herald in “Schlock Jock” mode. There’s enough negative comment around to sink the Titanic already. Stay constructive, Duncan.
Yay. Another ‘blog about blogs’.
I’ll believe the trash talk when I see it.
Fair call John, I promise to be good.
just what the world needs… another blog about blogs. This has to be a joke. How could Denton (or I) create such a blog when we are so involved in the story?