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ExpressionEngine To Leapfrog WordPress On iPhone? (iExpression)

ExpressionEngine To Leapfrog WordPress On iPhone? (iExpression)

After introducing the world to iExpression in July, Red When Excited (from the United Kingdom) has been tirelessly working on improving their unofficial ExpressionEngine app with the impending release of version 1.4 for iOS.

While iExpression’s latest version promises to match WordPress for iOS by allowing EE fans to upload videos to their blogs, the app goes one step further by including an additional feature lacking from official and unofficial video blogging apps (like BlogPress).

We are adding some cool file management features. Take a photo or record a movie and instantly upload. Upload files (archives, movies, pictures, WHATEVER) from e-mail attachments, web-pages, or other applications and very importantly your Dropbox account :-) You can also delete files you no longer need. Wicked. (Red When Excited Blog)

Red When Excited has also provided a video (as shown below) highlighting the upcoming features which should help give ExpressionEngine fans an edge over their WordPress rivals on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

See Also
GA4 Analytics 360

Although the Dropbox inclusion will not appeal to everyone (as some people prefer alternatives like, the ability to pull videos, images, etc. directly from email is very appealing for mobile bloggers on the go.

There still is no word on when version 1.4 will see the light of day (as Apple’s app tribunal process can be lengthly sometimes), although for now it looks like iExpression will soon have a reason to brag against their WordPress friends, not to mention their Poserous pals as well.

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