Facebook Begins Testing Brand New Advertising For News Feeds
Facebook in its never ending attempt to increase revenue via ads is preparing to test a new set of advertisements that will invade a users news feed.
Unlike past efforts the new ads will not require a user or their friends to have visited a brand page or website before the ads show up.
In the past a company could only advertise within a Facebook users news feed if that user had liked their brand page or interacted in some way with the brand. That form of advertising provided targeted user traffic but didn’t allow company’s to attract new users to the brand.
The new implementation will result in limited testing to determine the efficacy of the program but could roll out to more users soon. Facebook says news feed ads take in nearly $1 million per day, approximately half of which comes from mobile phone advertising that relies heavily upon news feed ads to utilize the small realty space found on most most devices.
If successful many company’s trying to escape the easy to ignore sidebar found on Facebook ads could gravitate towards the sure to be more expensive prominent ad space.
Do you think Facebook is overstepping its bounds with non-targeted news feed ads?