Facebook Launches Twitter Application for Page Admins. Where’s The Small Print?
In a blog post Facebook announced they will launch (the application is available already) the launch of its Twitter application for page admins, allowing these to both update their FB page and Twitter status. This is rather interesting considered that Facebook failed to acquire Twitter, then launched a redesign turning the news feed effectively into ‘Twitter on Crack’, and more recently the threat to not publish page updates to news feeds anymore.
How will it work?
If you manage a Facebook Page, you now will be able to decide whether to share updates with their Twitter followers, and you also will be able to control what type of updates to share: status updates, links, photos, notes, events or all of them. If you have multiple Pages, you will have the option to link each of those Pages to different Twitter accounts. This new feature will soon be available at http://www.facebook.com/twitter.
The possibility to update Twitter about photos, videos and notes posted to FB clearly shows that the social network wants to ‘own it all’ and use the microblogging platform as another traffic resource.
Testing the application, which is already available, I could easily submit two pages to the same Twitter @franky account. Updates were posted to Twitter within seconds. Posted links are redirected to the original URL without FB frame. It was no problem to inject two links in a page update: the shortened link goes to the original source and the shared picture link to the Facebook page, without URL shortening though, which seems to indicate that both services have a deal in place. As can be seen in the screencap, Twitter shortened the URL to the original link via its preferred Bit.ly URL shortener, but did not shorten the link to the Facebook photo.
There has to be a small print I have not seen yet, especially because this might make Twitter more popular for page admins who spend their life on FB and do not understand what the point of Twitter is. If there is such a thing.
Last but not least… will Twitter go after its trademark and protect its brand? Will they sue FB for using the name Twitter?
Franky is CEO, Editor and 21/7 Muppet on Duty at Splashpress Media. Occasionally he even sleeps. More sporadically even he also blogs about the professional online life at iFranky. He also is regular Guest Lecturer on all things blogging and 'web 2.0'ish'. Follow him on Twitter.
I just installed the app on my facebook page and the app does not Tweet video posts. It only tweets updates for:
Status Updates, Links, Photos, Notes and Event Creation.
Where’s my video tweets Facebook?