Facebook now the most trafficked internet site in the world
According to BusinessWeek, Facebook is now the most trafficked internet site in the world having recently surpassed MySpace. Facebook has over 132m users at the time of this post.
BusinessWeek’s Catherine Holahan writes:
When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to illustrate the impact of his social network, he tells a story about several young religious militants from Lebanon who changed their view of Western culture through Facebook friendships. The subtext to the tale is that free expression of ideas, enabled by the Web, bridges deep cultural divides. But we knew that: It’s one of the central concepts behind the Olympics, after all. What we didn’t know is that Facebook is in Lebanon.
Holahan credits some of Facebook’s success to the fact that instead of offering local language versions of the site, they opted for a technological solution and have instead provided translation tools into several languages. This has enabled Facebook to rollout in more countries than its competition – using highly accurate – and individually adjustable – translation tools.
Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.
According to Alexa, Yahoo is the most traficked website on the internet, with Google falling in second place. I doubt that facebook recieves more traffic than Google or Yahoo. YouTube is in 3rd place.
Facebook is still #5, globally and in the United States.
Currently Google is the #1 website. Facebook is down on the list. I suspect they were specifying restrictions in that article that weren’t listed, like most trafficked website for posting. Search Engines are ALWAYS the most trafficked unless an act of God happens or society start playing a game and we stop using Search Engines or something, other than that seeming impossible eventuality, Google, Yahoo and MSN are going to be top contenders. Plus YouTube is more popular because of TV and the news.
No, Facebook can’t have more traffic than Google or Yahoo!
They maybe mean views? Or most trafficked social site?