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Google Blog Manager Karen Wickre Heads To Twitter

Google Blog Manager Karen Wickre Heads To Twitter

Karen WickreAfter nine years with Google Karen Wickre, the blog manager who helped start and manage Google blogs has flown the coup for a position at social network Twitter.

Google’s senior media liason for the Google blog platform was not only responsible for Google’s blogging efforts but also helped foreshadow her new position after personally overseeing the launch of Google’s Twitter presence.

On Tuesday Wickre said on her  personal blog that she was crossing over while explained her new role:

“I’ll be working closely with the marketing & comms teams (and probably a few others) in a new role: editorial director,” she writes. “As you might guess, it will involve a fair amount of wordsmithing as well as nurturing a consistent Twitter voice across our public messages and information pages.”

Speaking with SearchEngineLand in 2007 Karen explained what she does with her responsibilities:

“I shepherd them. I call myself the managing editor, and I’m the gatekeeper for the new blogs. I’ve been with Google a long time and have worked in publishing a long time, so I can’t help but pay attention to the words — to the ways in which Google is communicating with the world.”

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Currently the Twitter blog tends to just provide analytics data while explaining new Twitter features, it will be interesting to see what Wickre does with the blog to increase the company’s overall influence, I personally like how she attempts to focus on what the message is communicating rather than just throwing out numbers and milestones.

Do you think Wickre will be a welcomed edition at Twitter?


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