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Google Upgrades Search: Support for Meta Data

Google Upgrades Search: Support for Meta Data

Google Search Data

Google has recently enhanced its search capabilities by extending support for organization structured data markup. This enhancement allows companies to provide more comprehensive details about themselves in search results. Previously, since 2013, Google had enabled sites to use “logo” and “url” markup. Now, this has been expanded to include additional information like company name, address, contact info, and business identifiers. These changes are integrated into Google’s existing structured data guidelines.

The update also involves modifications to the Google Search Console and the Rich Results Test tool, enabling more thorough testing and validation of organization markup. Websites that already have logo markup do not need to make changes, as Google will recognize the existing markup. However, adding the new organization fields is encouraged, as it can make companies eligible for expanded knowledge panels, like the newly introduced merchant panels.

This update is designed to simplify the process for businesses and organizations to provide accurate details in Google Search results. It underscores the benefits of implementing structured data markup, positioning sites to take advantage of future search feature enhancements by Google.

See first source: Search Engine Journal


Q: What is Google’s recent update on structured data markup?

A: Google has expanded its support for organization structured data markup, allowing businesses to provide more detailed information about themselves in search results.

Q: What information can companies now include in their markup?

A: Companies can include details like their name, address, contact information, and business identifiers, in addition to the previously supported “logo” and “url” markup.

Q: How does this update affect the Google Search Console and Rich Results Test tool?

A: The logo report in Google Search Console and tests in the Rich Results Test tool have been updated for comprehensive organization markup validations.

Q: Do sites with existing logo markup need to make changes?

A: Sites with existing logo markup don’t need to make changes, as Google will recognize it. However, adding new organization fields is encouraged for expanded knowledge panel eligibility.

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Q: What is the benefit of this update for businesses?

A: This update makes it easier for businesses and organizations to provide accurate details in Google Search results, potentially leading to expanded knowledge panels and better visibility.

Q: Should online-only businesses use specific markup?

A: Yes, online-only companies are advised to use the “OnlineBusiness” subtype of organization markup.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Benjamin Dada; Unsplash – Thank you!

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