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New Twitter Exploit Takes Advantage Of Google URL Shortener Service

New Twitter Exploit Takes Advantage Of Google URL Shortener Service

Twitter Safety Account - Malware Warning Tweet

A quick warning for Twitter users today, a new Twitter worm exploit has been discovered that uses the Google URL shortener service, sending users to fake antivirus sites.

The worm works by sending users through a link to a site that offers a service called “Security Shield” which is in fact a piece of malware.  The malware as detected by Sophos virus scans is called Troj/FakeAV-CMG.

Twitter is aware of the worm and their safety account claims they are “working to remove the malware links and reset passwords on compromised accounts.”

If you’ve followed a link in the last 24 hours, I would recommend running a full system scan and changing your Twitter password as soon as possible.

See Also
Google Fraud

Also watch for any changes in the security softwares name now that the “Security Shield” moniker has been called out?

Are you seeing this virus under other names? Leave us a comment with your own personal discoveries.

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