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San Diego PR students gain industry insights

San Diego PR students gain industry insights

"Industry Insights"

Recently, public relations (PR) students from San Diego State University (SDSU) connected with industry professionals and gained invaluable insights into the real-world workings of PR. As members of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), the students visited Allison Worldwide, a Los Angeles-based PR agency, and participated in the PRSSA Western District Conference.

During their time at Allison Worldwide, students were exposed to client scenarios, engaged in brainstorming sessions and discovered the strategic tactics behind successful PR campaigns. They also had the chance to apply learned theories in a hands-on workshop, guided by the agency’s seasoned professionals. Importantly, this practical experience emphasized resilience and patience, invaluable traits when dealing with multiple stakeholders.

At the PRSSA Western District Conference, students interacted with PR professionals from across the region, attended keynote speeches and participated in industry-focused discussions and workshops.

Unpacking San Diego PR students’ industry exposure

This annual event allowed the SDSU PR students to broaden their networks and gain up-to-date insights into the rapidly evolving PR industry.

One unique part of the conference was a challenge set by the Director of Global Public Affairs at Lululemon, where students were tasked to design a diversity campaign for the retailer. This competition provided an exciting opportunity for students to utilize their creative skills and knowledge about inclusivity and brand image.

Furthermore, the largest student group at the conference was from SDSU PRSSA. Despite comprising just 30% of the total participants, they made a powerful impression with their active contribution and constructive feedback during the conference sessions.

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These practical experiences are strongly supported by the School of Journalism & Media Studies (JMS) at SDSU. The school’s curriculum aims to offer direct exposure to PR industry methods and practices and helps students understand and interact with the wider PR community.

Last but not least, SDSU’s Broom Center, named after a respected professor and known for its commitment to student growth, co-sponsored the two-day trip. The center seeks to bridge the gap between academic theories and real-world PR applications, ultimately preparing students for a successful career in the PR field.

All in all, the trip was not just a learning experience but an immersive journey that solidified the students’ determination to flourish in the dynamic world of public relations, driving them to pursue their professional dreams with renewed zeal.

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