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Sarah Palin Blogs: 10 You Must Follow

Sarah Palin Blogs: 10 You Must Follow

It’s been about four weeks since we first covered U.S. Republican vice-presidential nominee  Sarah Palin, the Alaska governor who vaulted from relative obscurity into international prominence overnight when her nomination took America by surprise a little more than two months before the November 4 elections.

Since then, the blogosphere and mainstream media have continued to buzz about Palin more than Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee for president; more than Joe Biden, Obama’s running mate; and even more than John McCain, the GOP pick for prez.

Here’s the Google Trends chart for the four candidates for the last 30 days:

No doubt fans of Sarah Palin (AKA Bible Spice in some circles) would love for the election to be decided solely upon the number of media mentions of candidates’ names.

Before you launch into what will probably be a lively debate in the comments below about Gov. Palin’s qualifications to lead in Washington, we’d like to share with you 10 must-read blogs about Sarah Palin.

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In no particular order (they’re all good):

  1. Draft Sarah Palin for Vice-President – A Blogspot blog offering news and notes about Sarah Palin. Lively discussions.
  2. America Needs Sarah Palin – Another well-written pro-Palin blog.
  3. Sarah Palin Songs – A Blogspot blog sharing recent YouTube videos and other links to songs and music videos about Sarah Palin.
  4. Palin for President 2012 – A general pro-Palin blog focusing on her potential path to the White House as president in 2012.
  5. The Sarah Palin Blog – A news blog updated several times daily. Includes videos and photos.
  6. The PalinDrome – News and commentary about Sarah Palin, including live debate news.
  7. Sarah Palin Exposed – An anti-Palin blog focusing on gaffes she has committed and ways in which she seems unprepared to be a national political leader.
  8. Women Against Sarah Palin – You gotta read their description: “On Wednesday, September 3, we sent out an email to 40 friends and colleagues asking them to respond to Sarah Palin’s candidacy as Vice President of the United States. They forwarded the letter to their friends across America. To date, we have received more than 170,000 responses from women of all ages and backgrounds. Below are their voices.”
  9. Meet the Real Sarah Palin – This blog promises to give you the best news and links from around the Web on Palin.
  10. Palin Notes – An anti-Palin blog offering interesting oddities abot Sarah Palin.

What other links have you found to good blogs about Sarah Palin?

And what do you think about her?

View Comments (18)
  • Well done! I support Governor Palin and think she will do a great job as VP.

    What I like about your post, however, is that you have focused on blogs about her, both good & bad — not just pro and not just con — thereby fulfilling your mission as the BLOG Herald, not the POLITICAL Herald. Fair & balanced. Thanks.

  • As a lifelong democrat ( sorry to say), I am totally for Sarah Palin. She is just what we need more of in Washington. Someone who is closer to the average american citizen.
    My husband and I raised 3 very successful children, not by giving them everything they wanted, but giving them the chance to learn, by reaping results of their mistakes.and the rewards of honesty, hard work, respect for elders. Doing for others, helping anyone re gardless of”social “Status.”
    We lived witin our means, never having an annual income over $35,000!

  • The leftest kooks are unbelievable. If she was a liberal they would embrace her with open arms, specifically because she is a woman. But in fact they sit idly (or worse, activel) by and let the mainstream media crucify her.

    All of you liberals should be ashamed.

    And don’t give me that whole “foreign policy experience” excuse. Your iconic philanderer Big Bill was nuttin’ but a governor. But you liberals have no problem with a double standard.


    Liberals are going to be the end of this country.

  • I think the kooks are the ones who chose a Fargo character for a VP. She is not educated at all on the issues, and if she doesn’t have a script to usher her through any type of interaction, then she’s a blundering idiot. And if you think she would be a better VP then Joe Biden, then you are a blind partisan fool.

  • We were the very first Blog to call for Sarah Palin to run for President of VP right after she was elected Governor of Alaska in 2006. We have been the one blog pushing her ever since.

    But apparently, since we’re a libertarian blog we’ve been left out of your list.

    We are well-aware that the media is purposely avoiding calling Sarah Palin a libertarian Republican, cause the libertarian label would bring her a massive amount of support, and ruin the “social conservative” meme that you all are trying to spread.

    Thus, it’s not surprising that you would pass over Libertarian Republican blog.

    Eric Dondero, Publisher
    Libertarian Republican

  • Thanks to all for your comments. Eric, the reason I didn’t include a link to your excellent blog is because I didn’t know about it. Please don’t assume that when someone fails to acknowledge you, that it’s because they are consciously avoiding or ignoring you. I hope that others find your blog to be the relevant, valuable resource that I believe it to be.

  • I think the kooks are the ones who chose a Fargo character for a VP. She is not educated at all on the issues, and if she doesn’t have a script to usher her through any type of interaction, then she’s a blundering idiot. And if you think she would be a better VP then Joe Biden, then you are a blind partisan fool.
    We were the very first Blog to call for Sarah Palin to run for President of VP right after she was elected Governor of Alaska in 2006. We have been the one blog pushing her ever since.

    But apparently, since we’re a libertarian blog we’ve been left out of your list.

    We are well-aware that the media is purposely avoiding calling Sarah Palin a libertarian Republican, cause the libertarian label would bring

  • I am a Canadian woman and I have to say I cannot believe anyone really believes Sarah Palin is a legitimate nominee for VP of the United Sates of America. Are Americans that stupid??

    First of all to all the women who would vote for her strictly because of gender…how naive are you. Just because you share reproductive organs does not mean you have to vote for her (and McCain).

    She has proven that she can’t even run a small town and balance her family…example, she was obviously unaware that her teenage daughter was having unprotected, premarital sex with a boy whose claim to fame (via Myspace) was “I’m an F’in redneck.” She has a son who has special needs and a daughter who is going to be thrown into a marriage because of her mothers political aspirations. I am sorry but that is not fair to her children. As an American you should be asking yourself do you want the second in command to have her attention spread over 5 children, the health concerns of one and the teen pregnancy of another…all while trying to learn the names of Heads of States and what they do or even better, what the hell the Vice President really does.

    It is commendable that she is a working mother but that does not mean she is prepared or capable of being head of the most powerful Nation on the planet.

    The little winks and talking about Joe six pack…c’mon people this is the person who could potentially have the codes to launch nuclear weapons!

    A month away from the election and she had no idea what the Bush doctrine was…I am Canadian and I do. You really want the person who is a heartbeat away from the Presidency to be someone whose first time out of the US was only a year ago…my daughter has been to more countries then your potential President!!!

    I am sorry people but this woman is not qualified to be the president of anything more than the PTA and for the women you who would vote for her because she menstruates every month, you are the type of women who make other women cringe.

    She has no idea what she is doing and if you vote for McCain/Palin, neither do you.

    Vote smart America…unfortunately what you do affects me too!!!

  • Probably some of you remember hearing how Sarah Palin had concealed her pregnancy from her parents, friends, and even her own children until she was well into her third trimester. It has been reported that Palin kept her pregnancy a secret because she was afraid of being criticized as a pregnant governor. Sure, it seemed strange that she would keep the pregnancy a secret from her own parents and children for that reason, but we all accepted it anyway. Well, hold on to your hats.

    It turns out that Sarah found out from her doctor that she was having a Downs Syndrome child after having a prenatal screening for birth defects done; something that many opponents of abortion actually choose not to do. This was around the fifteenth week of her pregnancy, and the results left her torn as to whether she should do what over 90% of people do in the same situation: abort the child.

    According to someone who counts herself as a close friend and confidant of Palin, Sarah was considering aborting the fetus throughout her second trimester and this is why she kept the pregnancy a secret from even those closest to her. Of course the implications of this are staggering. First, a woman who claims to staunchly oppose abortion was seriously considering getting the procedure done for her self. Second, a person who claims to be an advocate for special needs children was considering aborting a child just because he had Downs Syndrome. Sure, the vast majority of people who learn through prenatal screening that they are pregnant with a Downs Syndrome child choose to abort it, but does that make it right? And why was it okay for her to even consider having an abortion when she claims to be adamantly opposed to it?

    Quite a ‘hockey mom’, huh?

  • another candian here. stupid blind racsist narrow minded dumb fuck americans. will you close your eyes to this woman’s limits just so you can keep a religious agenda in the white house?

    stupid dumb fuck americans. really stupid dumb fucks.

  • Hey, I like Sarah Palin, I like to fact that she is herself, I mean knowing that animals rights people would hate that she likes to moose hunt. She still didn’t try to hide that fact.
    I like the fact that she is prolife. And that she is down to earth one of the Joe six packs. And you don’t really have to drink to be one of those.
    I really like the fact that is this day and age, she is not hiding the fact that she is Christian. Or that she believes in Jesus.
    I would have swayed me alittle to Obama if he would only say that he loved and followed Jesus. He never has. And our country is a faith based nation, it was build on our faith in God and taking God away from government and our lives it is no wonder we are falling apart.
    If we push God out of everything, how can we survive? We were a great nation, it is sad to say, but I don’t believe we are that great right now. But It is not too late.

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