Scoble-izing Intel?
Intel may have a blogger in residence — although it remains to be seen if he’ll be allowed as much lattitude as Mr. Scoble was with Microsoft. Check out, the blog of a Mr. Josh Bancroft.
I want to start some conversation. I’€™m not officially authorized to speak for Intel on any matter (see my ‘€œCaveat Lector’€? disclaimer over there in the sidebar), but there are a ton of things that I can talk about. I’€™m just a guy, a blogger, who works at a very large company that makes the most complex things ever made by humans. It’€™s a fascinating place, and I know there are lots of you that would like to know more about Intel. Or maybe you have something you’€™d like to vent. Or perhaps you just want to say how much you love something Intel has done (wouldn’€™t that be nice?).
Well its some classic corporate blogging action that I’m looking forward to. Some cultures (read: APPLE) simply do not allow their employees to blog about the company. Looks like Intel may buck that trend through Tinyscreenfuls. If its successful, perhaps, like Microsoft, it can generate a sense of goodwill, integrity and trust that ad-dollars just can’t pay for. Provided, of course, that it sticks to being an honest blog (cough, cough Wal-mart!).
Tony Hung is the editor of the BlogHerald. He is also a physician finishing his last year of residency in General Internal Medicine, and blogs at Deep Jive Interests , where he rants, occasionally, on new media topics.
Intel’s got a number of blogs running already… Not taking anything away from Josh’s blog, but why would he be the designated voice for the company when they’ve got a lot of different people addressing their many different audiences?
Touche, Anil, Touche.
BTW, is this what you mean by sixapart taking an active role in enterprise level blogging?
Hi Anil!
Yes, there are other Intel blogs. Intel Software Network was the first (, and now in the last couple of weeks, we have I’ve been working internally with the teams that launched those.
But, they’re relative newcomers. The IT@Intel blog, the first one released on MT Enterprise, is only a couple of weeks old. I’ve been blogging about Intel for a couple of years now. And my blog is independently hosted (like Scoble). There are also other Intel bloggers with their own blogs, some of whom talk more than others about Intel. But none to a very high degree. And there are the two anonymous Intel blogs, and
I’m not saying that I’m the “designated voice”, but to tell the truth, besides the other topic-focused blogs, I’m the only one I know of that’s really trying to start some conversation, and inviting people inside the proverbial firewall. I don’t want to be the only one – I wish we had a thousand Intel employees blogging, and talking with people. Or several thousand, like Microsoft.
But it has to start somewhere, no? :-)
Thanks for stopping by Josh — good luck, and we’ll continue to keep an eye on your efforts!
Scobleize on …. ;)