Syntagma Media is like an acid trip
by Matt Craven
November 8, 2006
Loren Feldman over at 1938 Media clearly does not like Syntagma Media.
Matt Craven
Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.
At least we’re not stuck in 1938 like a stuck gramaphone. Never mind Iraq, they’ve got WW2 to fight all over again. ;-)
Right…the Germans were really up to speed in the web video medium – good one!
Don’t take criticism of your website so personally next time John. The internet might not be the best place for someone as sensitive as yourself…
Actually, I thought it was a good laugh, Josh. That guy’s face is right out of the Neanderthal’s Year Book 19 .. er ..38.
Right, goatees haven’t been in style in 68 years…I guess working on your site hasn’t allowed you to get out much.
Well, I guess we all need a sense of humor on the internet. At least he was funny.
Coming from a drunken Neanderthal such as myself I thought that was such a laugh … and so spot on.
Sir Syntag: never you knew had such a thin skin. ;-)
Thick skins are for rhinos, Martin. How’s yours? ;-)
There’s no surrounding text on either this post, or the linked-to post. Why would a busy person, like myself, click on a video with no expository text?
What is this “syntagma” media and why would people even talk about this splog network?
What the heck is and why is it so slow?
I thought it was hilarious. :-)
John – mine’s fairly thick, hence I must have some rhino genes in me. ;)
Darren – you seem to complain a lot ;)
I spend very little time complaining. I doubt you’d know what I spend my time doing, TBH.
I actually watched the video. I cringed a bit watching it, truth be told.
I’ll probably quit commenting here, also.