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The Story Behind Bridezilla

The Story Behind Bridezilla

You may have heard about one of the latest YouTubes making the rounds — the one about the bride who freaks out about her hair on her wedding day, and proceeds to have a meltdown resulting in her cutting her own hair.

You may have also heard about the tidal wave of publicity, once people heard that it was, in fact, staged, with actresses, a script, and a contract.  In fact, it turns out all principals involved were interviewed on Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Inside Edition.

What you may not know is the story behind “Bride Wigs Out”, and how brazen and calculating some marketing firms are. 

For those interested in the story behind the story head over to the Globe and Mail for all the details, including how it all started: a Toronto based actress was spotted working (waiting tables?) at a restaurant by a marketing executive.

With the rise of Lonelygirl15 and the Dove “Evolution” campaign video, it seems like the commercialization of social content has truly begun in earnest.  And while it is certainly not a surprising event, one does start to wonder whether or not a new kind of media literacy is necessary.

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After all, its not a too-distant future when such videos become commonplace — so commonplace, that it won’t make the news when such a video is ‘fake’, or ‘staged’.


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  • What I don’t get is why its so wrong to create a staged video and post it to YouTube or similar website? Is there something in the bylaws that says all videos need to be original content from actual people and not actors playing roles? Do you watch television? Even reality tv is edited to create more drama.

    Why is anyone upset that marketers and advertisers have figured out this is a good way to hock their wares? Is it because of the internet is the last harbinger of freedom and salvation and it should remain free from the “impurities” of mass marketing? Please! The internet lost its virtue the day that Danni Ashe posted pics of her naked breasts and got paid for it.

  • I actually agree.

    The reason why some people are still “outraged” by things like this (and outrage is probably too strong a word) is because things like blogging, youtube and so on have typically regarded as “social content”, which has originated with ordinary folks with ordinary opinions, wishes, dreams, etc etc.

    Of course that’s all changed, as it would with any industry that gets big enough. The difference between “The Internet” before and things like YouTube and its ilk now is that there was seeming *presumption* of originality before, it makes it difficult for *some* to know where the line between “real” and “unreal” is.

    Sure, you might say you’re not giving credit where credit it due; a new generation of teenagers are more savvy than before. On the other hand, so are marketers — who will *be* those teenagers.

    Just some food for thought on Superbowl Sunday. ;)


  • Let’s hope once stories like this are a thing of the past that marketers have other brilliant ideas that intrigue enough people that it makes the news.

    I’m a believer that the more we share our ideas and ideas become mainstream, it opens doors for more original thought to be explored.

    As much as I do have immense respect for all social media – their is a part of me that really loves when it reaches a point that mainstream marketers follow the social mass.

    And at the end of the day – I can’t wait to see what this generation of web savvy teenagers bring to the table – I bet it’s better than I could ever imagined.

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