Twitter Continues ‘Big Data’ Buys, Acquires Lucky Sort
Twitter on Monday announced the acquisition of big data analytics firm Lucky Sort.
Lucky Sort is a firm that focuses on natural language data-mining and visualization tools that are used by various online partners.
The company StockTwits is powered in large part by the data provided from the Lucky Sort system.
Lucky Sort will begin to shut down its services over the next few months and the company’s employees will transition to new roles at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters.
Among the company’s employees joining the team at Twitter is Lucky Sort CEO and founder CEO Noah Pepper.
In a post regarding the acquisition Pepper writes:
“In building Lucky Sort we had an enormous amount of support from friends, employees, advisors and investors. It has been uplifting to have so many people help us and it highlighted just how much business is a social endeavor.”
Twitter has been putting a lot of focus on big data firms in recent weeks. The social giant recently purchased Ubalo, a company that aims to make large-scale computing more accessible and easier to manage.
Do you think Lucky Sort is a big win acquisition for Twitter?