What Do You Use Twitter For?
February 23, 2009
That’s certainly a valid question, one that The Guardian asked and got a bunch of replies to. An interesting read, and a funny one to be sure.
You can follow both me and the Blog Herald on Twitter. Me, I communicate, and this very site you’re reading is mostly about syndicating content. For now…
Naturally, I’d like to know what you use Twitter for?
Thord Daniel Hedengren
Thord Daniel Hedengren is a designer, writer, and blogger, and also the former editor of The Blog Herald. He used to be a hotshot in the gaming industry in Sweden, but sold everything and went International. Most recently he wrote a book called Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, and does loads of kickass design.
Started using Twitter about 2 months ago. Don’t use it too much though, because everytime I want to update my twitter, I have to do it on my computer. I should go mobile with twitter pretty soon.
However, I realize that you can use Twitter for so many different things. In fact, I just posted a post one week ago about how medical surgery and twitter can go hand in hand. Personally, I only used Twitter for blog update, following what my friends are doing, and let others know about any interesting stuff that I found or did.
Any idea for more useful usage of Twitter? May be I can try your idea.
yah i am also using twitter from some days its good..
The absolute KEY to using Twitter is to install a client to handle your tweets. I’m using Tweetdeck but there’s also Twhirl.
Install a client and you’ll soon discover what the fuss is about Twitter
Amazing how much you can get done when you give up twitter. Although I do see that it is useful for carrying on and developing conversations.