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Which Blogging Conference Would You Go To?

Which Blogging Conference Would You Go To?

If you could choose from all the blogging conferences held around the world, which one would you most want to go to?

Don’t know which ones there are?

Coming soon, I’ll be reporting on blogging and blog-related conferences currently scheduled for next year. I mention a lot of WordPress meeting and conferences in my weekly WordPress Wednesday News reports, but I want to reach beyond WordPress to blogging conferences worldwide.

If you have a favorite blogging conference, please let me know so I can add it to the list. Know of blog-related meetups and groups in your area? Tell me here or contact me at:

I need links to the main site that hosts the event, as well as a description and dates, if available, for the events.

I’d also like to know why you recommend this event, and if you attended, what you got out of it.

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SEO Writing Tools

If you are part of the group that produces blogging events, or know of people who are involved, I’m looking for you to help me create this big list of blog conferences.

If you haven’t attended a blog conference, would you? What do you expect to get out of such a meeting of bloggers or representatives of the blogging industry?

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