Wibiya Toolbar Update
It’s not everyday you beat Techcrunch to the punch on a story. But when it comes to the Wibiya toolbar, an add-on to enhance any blog with social media features, we were almost 6 months ahead!
BlogHerald on July 28, 2009
TechCrunch on December 31, 2009
There is some new Wibiya news we would like to bring you. First, if you have already installed the code on your blog, it’s time to update the snippet. There is a new platform that delivers more comprehensive metrics (though the system was not working at press time) and the entire Wibiya infrastructure has been updated. The new code should make the toolbar work more efficiently.
The site is now officially open to the public. However it should be noted that while in Beta, virtually everyone who signed up received an invite within a day or two.
You can read more about Wibiya in our original post. After using the toolbar on my blog for several months, I do have a few favorite features:
– Visitors can interact with Facebook and Twitter without leaving your site
– Translate your site to 11 different languages with a click of a button
– Notifier gives you a slick pop-up messenger if you have important information to share with readers
Two newer features allow you to rearrange the toolbar to your liking and to add additional navigation. The latter could be a UI problem, but we do see the benefit of redirecting folks to an area of your blog on a temporary basis.
There are millions of Website widgets in Cyberspace, Wibiya condenses some of the elite and displays them in one neat place.
There are currently 25 different “Apps” (is this word overexposed yet or what!?) to customize your Wibiya toolbar with.
Andrew G.R. is the owner of Jobacle, a career advice and employment news blog and podcast designed to make work better. Follow him on Twitter.
I’m trying to get the toolbar on my blog. Awesome…. perhaps it can make a new future for the readers.
I love the new features that Wibiya has added to their toolbar. I actually wrote a post about how adding a social toolbar can help make your content more sharable, as well as added the toolbar to my blog.
I think the translate feature alone, will bring opportunities for blogs to expose their content to a different audience. I believe this is just the start of things to come for social media toolbars.
I think the translate feature alone, will bring opportunities for blogs to expose their content to a different audience. I believe this is just the start of things to come for social media toolbars.
I love the toolbar.
My Blog:http://marked-up.com/
I’m trying to add Wibiya to user blogs to no avail. Can someone see what is being done wrong at blog http://www.yowlink.com ? Thank you. I’ll check back each day to see if anyone has ideas.
Wibiya is simply best i have installed toobar on my one forum members really like it.
“Enhance” your blog? You must be joking, right? Cheap add-on third party tool bars are the noughties equivalent of the BLINK tag so prolificly employed by websites in the 90’s. Which is to say, they are unneccessary distractions, that detract from your actual content and irritate your visitors (there’s nothing fun or clever about something that pops up and takes up screen real estate and makes your visitors hide it Every Single Time they want to visit your site). My advice is not to use them: they’re cheap, nasty, pointless, and mark those who use them out as rank amateurs that know nothing about attractive web design.