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Winner of the Blog Herald Gift 2007

Winner of the Blog Herald Gift 2007

In the spirit of the New Year, we’d like to thank everyone who participated in our gift giving contest and despite the dozens of entries we had to sift thru, we were forced to break a tie between two really promising blogs that we felt showed the essence of what sharing and giving is all about.

So, the winner of the $200 New Year’s gift is … and the Million Dollar Blog Post

The blog is the brainchild of Austin Hill and the Project Ojibwe team. aims to bring the Internet community together in an outpouring of generosity. Austin’s experience with ideas that can change the world inspired him to create socially conscious projects; making the world a better place.

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Congrats to Austin and his team. Do email me at editor {at} blogherald {dot} com with your Paypal account and the text link we’ll put up for the whole year.

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  • Thank you so much for the award, and the nomination.

    We are really proud of this, and it will help us in reaching the 1,000,000 wishes goal.

    I’ve spoken with my co-sponsor of the project Ben, and we feel that the $200 award should be go to a worth charity since we do not want to profit from the project.

    If you could donate the $200 award to either Creative Commons, or Electronic Frontier Foundation – we feel both of these organizations work to help support the blog community deserve the $200 award.

    We would love the link and if you could post the screen shot of the donation receipt to either organization we will list you as the sponsor of the 200 wishes.

    We would also like to announce this to our readers.

    Thanks again,

    -Austin & the Gifter team.

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