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ChatGPT Browse With Bing is Back!

ChatGPT Browse With Bing is Back!

Browse With Bing

In a recent development, OpenAI has reenabled the Browse with Bing feature on its ChatGPT AI service, after temporarily disabling it in early July. This feature allows ChatGPT users to browse the internet and access current and authoritative information, complete with direct links to sources. By integrating Bing Search into ChatGPT, OpenAI aims to provide users with more up-to-date and timely information. This article delves into the details of Browse with Bing, discussing its availability, benefits, and potential applications.

What is Browse with Bing?

Browse with Bing is a premium service introduced by OpenAI, which integrates Bing Search into its ChatGPT AI service. This integration enhances ChatGPT’s capabilities by enabling it to access the latest information available on the internet. Prior to the introduction of this feature, ChatGPT relied on a dataset from 2021 or earlier, limiting its ability to provide up-to-date answers to user queries. By incorporating Bing Search, ChatGPT gains access to more recent and relevant information, ensuring a better user experience.

The Return of Browse with Bing

After temporarily disabling the feature in July, OpenAI has made necessary updates to Browse with Bing and reenabled it on September 27. These updates include adhering to robots.txt and user agent identification, allowing websites to control ChatGPT’s interactions. OpenAI emphasizes that browsing is particularly useful for tasks that require real-time information, such as technical research, product comparisons, and travel planning. With the reenablement of Browse with Bing, ChatGPT Plus subscribers can once again benefit from the feature.

Who Can Use Browse with Bing?

Initially, Browse with Bing was exclusively available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers. However, OpenAI has expanded access to this feature and now offers it to Enterprise ChatGPT users as well. OpenAI plans to further extend availability to all users in the near future. To enable Browse with Bing, users can simply select the option in the GPT-4 selector.

Benefits of Browse with Bing

The reintroduction of Browse with Bing adds significant value to OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI service. By incorporating Bing Search, ChatGPT can now provide users with more recent and accurate information, improving the overall user experience. This feature is particularly beneficial for tasks that require up-to-date information, such as technical research, decision-making, and planning. With direct links to authoritative sources, users can access reliable information and make well-informed choices.

Potential Applications

Browse with Bing opens up a wide range of possibilities for users of ChatGPT. Some potential applications include:

  1. Technical Research: ChatGPT can now assist users in finding the latest information on technical topics, making it a valuable tool for professionals and enthusiasts alike.
  2. Product Comparisons: By browsing the internet, ChatGPT can fetch real-time data on products, helping users make informed decisions when comparing different options.
  3. Travel Planning: With access to up-to-date information, ChatGPT can provide users with current travel recommendations, flight details, and popular tourist attractions.
  4. News Updates: Browse with Bing enables ChatGPT to retrieve the latest news articles and updates, keeping users well-informed about current events.

In conclusion, OpenAI’s decision to reenable Browse with Bing on its ChatGPT AI service brings forth an array of benefits for users seeking real-time and accurate information. By integrating Bing Search, ChatGPT can now provide access to current and authoritative sources, enhancing its capabilities and utility. Whether it’s technical research, product comparisons, travel planning, or staying up-to-date with the latest news, ChatGPT with Browse with Bing empowers users with timely information and reliable answers.

See first source: Search Engine Land


1. What is Browse with Bing?

Browse with Bing is a service by OpenAI that integrates Bing Search into the ChatGPT AI service, allowing ChatGPT to access and provide the latest information from the internet to its users. This feature enhances the user experience by offering more recent and relevant information in response to user queries.

2. Why was Browse with Bing temporarily disabled?

Browse with Bing was temporarily disabled in early July for necessary updates, which included adherence to robots.txt and user agent identification to allow websites to control ChatGPT’s interactions. It was reenabled on September 27 after these updates were made.

3. Who can use Browse with Bing?

Initially, Browse with Bing was exclusively available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers. However, OpenAI has expanded access to Enterprise ChatGPT users and plans to extend availability to all users in the near future. Users can enable this feature through the GPT-4 selector.

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4. What are the benefits of Browse with Bing?

Browse with Bing significantly enhances ChatGPT’s ability to provide up-to-date and accurate information. It is particularly beneficial for tasks requiring real-time information like technical research, product comparisons, and travel planning. Users also get direct links to authoritative sources for reliable information.

5. What are some potential applications of Browse with Bing?

Some potential applications include:

  • Technical Research: Finding the latest information on technical topics.
  • Product Comparisons: Fetching real-time data on products for informed decision-making.
  • Travel Planning: Providing current travel recommendations, flight details, and tourist attractions.
  • News Updates: Retrieving the latest news articles and updates to keep users informed.

6. How does Browse with Bing improve ChatGPT’s capabilities?

By integrating Bing Search, ChatGPT can now access current and authoritative information from the internet, which was previously limited to a dataset from 2021 or earlier. This integration enhances ChatGPT’s utility and empowers users with timely information and reliable answers for a better user experience.

7. How can users enable Browse with Bing?

Users can enable Browse with Bing by selecting the option in the GPT-4 selector, provided they are ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise ChatGPT subscribers, with OpenAI planning to extend this feature to all users soon.

Featured Image Credit: Rolf van Root; Unsplash – Thank you!

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