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The Google Panda Effect: What You Can Do to Fight Back

The Google Panda Effect: What You Can Do to Fight Back

Editor’s note: This post was written by V K Rajagopalan, who has over 30 years of experience in the field of Information Technology. He has worked with multinational companies like KLM, Siemens and Wipro. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is a SAP Consultant certified from SAP, Germany. He is a Director in Paduka Consultants Private Limited that he established in 2006. Over the years, he has become an expert in all aspects of SEO, both online and offline. He utilizes this expertise for his own business as well as his clients. He currently resides in New Delhi, India with his wife and 2 sons.

Google Panda effect


Is Google Panda still getting you down? Introduced in 2011, this algorithm was designed to lower the rank of low-quality websites, sites with “thin” content, and give users access to higher-quality, more in-depth content. A lot of big-name websites took a major hit and, as the algorithm has been refined over time, Google has caught a lot of websites in its snare. If you think you’ve been caught by the this grizzly beast, here’s how to fight back.

Post More Long-Form, Quality, Content

This is hard. Honestly, this is the single reason 99 percent of websites that got caught in the Google Panda effect will never come back. Not only do you need quality content, you need to adopt the motto that there is “strength in length.” Most webmasters simply do not want to do the work involved to get out of the Panda hole they’re in – not when they learn what really needs to be done.

Sometimes, webmasters just don’t have the writing skills to compete. If that’s you, there’s no easy way to say this: it’s over. Throw in the towel. You’re finished.

If you’re ready to buckle down, and you’ve honed your writing chops, here’s what you need to do.

Fire up Google. Log out of your account if you’re logged in, clear your cache and all website data that might be stored in temp files on your computer. Now, set your location to something very generic, like your country – USA (assuming you’re in the USA). Type in one of your desired keywords.

See what pops up first in the search results. Go to that page and check it out. See if you can pick out what makes it so special. It’s sitting at the #1 spot in Google so it’s obviously doing something right. Now, check out the #2 spot, #3 spot and so on up to #10. Don’t bother going to the second page.

What you’ll find is that each of these pages on the front page has something in common. It might be graphics, graphs, research material, original research, tons of references, a high-quality layout and website design, or something else entirely.

google panda effect


This is what you have to beat. Back up and read that last sentence again. These are the top dogs. Here is your answer right there in front of you. You don’t need Google’s Keyword tool, or any keyword research tool, for that matter. The best pages are right there at the top of the search engine results.

Now, you can use a service like to see how many backlinks a particular page has. This is helpful in determining just how popular that page is, and what the potential for getting backlinks to a similar page might be.

Take the content that’s ranking #1 and think about how to make it better. For all of the controversy and complaints webmasters lob at Google, the company is still – at the end of the day – all about perceived quality.

If you take the best content out there, and improve it, you’re doing two things.

First, you’re creating a better user experience.

Second, you’re creating content that’s sharable and linkable. How do you know it’s sharable? It’s sitting at number one right now with 100+ Facebook “likes,” 1,000 tweets, and 100s of repins on the images in the post.

See Also
online auto listing

Go out and one-up the best content, then promote the heck out of your post and garner as many links as you can.

Promote Your Blog

According to SEO experts like Paduka Consultants, the most important skill you can learn in the online world, after writing, is how to promote your blog. The problem is that promotion is a lot of manual labor, and a lot of blog owners simply give up too soon – before they ever achieve any sort of lasting success.

The secret, if there is one, is to do effective, non-salesy outreach and be persistent. Outreach is usually best done via email or phone. Yep, the phone. Most blog owners are terrified to actually email, much less speak to, a real human being.

But it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Continuing with the example above, you could write a simple email like this:

“Dear blog owner,

I just read your blog post and noticed you linked out to the same article I just discovered last week (name of blog piece that links to the article you found in the #1 spot in Google SERPS). I loved that piece. In fact, I loved it so much, I decided to create a piece with even more information in it. Since you linked to that other piece, maybe you’d want to also include this one as well.

Either way, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks, (your name).”

Send this out to several hundred blog owners who you found via AHREFS that linked to the blog post that’s already ranking, and you’ll eventually get yourself some links.

Fix Those Broken Links

A good plugin for WordPress users is Broken Link Checker. It will scour your website for broken links so that you can fix them. If you’ve got enough links going nowhere, Google looks at this as a trust problem. Broken links tell Google that you don’t really update the site or do good site maintenance. It’s also a bad user experience. Sure, it’s a lot of work to fix all of these, but it’s a simple step that will ultimately help you recover your former glory.

View Comments (22)
  • Hi

    This is a wonderful article. Loved all these types to recover from google panda now waiting for remaining. Thanks a lot for sharing.

    • Yeah…….Google panda… when updated by google it collapse many of website…. this article is essential to read….. that how do we recover….it..

      • Hi,
        actually i don’t know about google panda update but today when i search “google webmaster tool error page not found twitter url” which is one type of error related to twitter follow button on my website page then at the end of result(10th link) i found your link and i click on that. it takes time to complete your blog but after completing i think still many things are there that i have to learn and that still pending.. seriously your blog have big detailed about SEO and i like it very much…

        Keep It Up.

  • Hey,
    I’m suffering from this panda effect fror my website and really dont khow how to solve this issue.
    ranked my keyword fifa crack but i thing they blocked that type of keywords.
    regards Fifa Crack

  • One of my websites recently got hit by Google Panda, and finally realized the importance of long term quality content. I have started posting more and more articles on my blog, all of them above 1000 words. Let’s see how it goes. Thanks for the tips mate.

  • In Previous Days on 16 January 2016 Google’s Panda is Updated and There are massive effects on spam sites and get down their traffic and ranking. It focus on only the quality sites so make every edge of your site better. So Panda can’t Effect your Site after Updation.

  • Well, First of all, it’s not an easy task to get to know, whether our blog is penalized or not, unless, we are experience. I faced the same problem, when i started my career, that time, one of my blog got penalized due to low quality content, but I continued working on it, without knowing that it was penalized, but with experience, I recovered that blog perfect and it started ranking well on Google after the recent Panda Refresh. But, One thing I should say, recovering from Panda or Penguin can take some time, considering how much low quality content we have on our site, so it took few months for me. So, I will advice to all those who are looking recover their blog Google penalty, work smartly and keep patience. It’s the best way to do so. Btw, a very well written Post. Cheers.

  • Good tips to fight with the Panda Update. I do think that the article should be over 700 words at least otherwise the panda will hit you hardly.

    • No, it isn’t necessary to always write a 700 word article. You can still write below 700 but the Panda don’t like thin articles so fewer words articles will not rank that high.

  • great tips to google panda effect. thanks for the post help lots of suggest
    Writing quality content helps a lot to us to away from google and mobile friendly design helps us

  • This is a great article. Loved every one of these sorts to recuperate from google panda now waiting for remaining updates. Much obliged for sharing.

  • thanks for sharing the effect and solution of it.Recently i got hit with penguin ,you post helped me lot.

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