Good Intentions Can Cause Damage
If you are one of the many people supporting the bloggers in Iran, take a moment to read the Cyberwar guide for Iran elections at Boing Boing
Do NOT publicise proxy IP’s over twitter, and especially not using the #iranelection hashtag. Security forces are monitoring this hashtag, and the moment they identify a proxy IP they will block it in Iran. If you are creating new proxies for the Iranian bloggers, DM them to @stopAhmadi or @iran09 and they will distributed them discretely to bloggers in Iran.
I would have linked to the original but it seems to have been taken down by their ISP.
The basic point, other than the great tips supplied for this specific case, is that rather than get caught up in Twitter memes we need to very carefully consider the impact of seemingly small and generous actions, and also be aware of the misinformation, both accidental and intentional that is going around right now.
Of course it is very often difficult to tell the difference, so I trust outlets like BoingBoing who have the network scale to sort the signal from the noise.
Chris is a professional blogger and internet marketing consultant. You can get more of his blogging tips, internet marketing advice and copywriting articles and a FREE ebook just by subscribing at