Podcast 2006.1: Why podcasting? Podcast Rigs, the underground blogosphere, Dirtyspoke, and how I stained my underwear.
Welcome to our first official podcast here at The Blog Herald. We’re excited to launch this new portion of our coverage of the blogosphere and hope that you find it interesting as well.
You can subscribe directly to our podcast feed.
As you’ll hear me discuss in the podcast, our professional grade equipment isn’t here yet – and we’re still learning how to use the audio editing software that we’re testing – but we are off to a good start.
We plan on posting a few podcasts a week – and perhaps more as we bring some others into the podcasting fold here at The Blog Herald.
We’re also interested in doing voice interviews (Skype is acceptable as well) of those in the blogosphere. Drop us a note if you’re interested.
Show references:
- Dell XPS
- Audacity audio software
- Phil Windley’s Podcasting Setup
- Podcast Rigs
- The podcasting rig that we ordered (mostly, we’re using different software and some different microphone mounts)
- Podpress plugin for WordPress
- Steve Rubel: The Underground Blogosphere
- Scott Karp: The Underground blogosphere is just networking
- Those Bastards: The Underground Blogosphere isn’t underground, you just chose to ignore it most of the time
- Jesse Oxfeld headed to New York Magazine
- Joel Johnson leaves Gawker Media
- Syntagma Media’s AdsViral (beta)
- Blog Herald Interviews Meme of Spoke Media
- Dirtyspoke
- Chartreuse’s interview with Meme of Spoke Media
- Advertise on our podcast
Theme music by 0.22.
Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.
Always good to see someone else adding podcasting to their blog. However, I noticed some audio inconsistencies in the first five minutes. If you aren’t monitoring your vocals as you go, I’d suggest starting. Good luck to you.
Thanks – we definately have some work to do but it’s a start. We’ll get better – and the professional gear is on the way… ;)
Thanks for the kind words,
Pretty good job, Matt – well done.
As the first commenter said, you had some small issues with sound consistentcy throughout – but I know nothing about podcating so can’t help you out :-)
I like the concept – I could easily listen to a 20 minutes show that included 10-15 short pieces of blogging news with your opinions after each piece (and when I say opinon I mean a real opinion ie: make it colorful).
I wouldn’t want you to go on too long with a story though – make ’em quick and snappy – maybe incorporate a small 2-3 second interlude sound bit between them – and make sure you keep to a regular schedule: one thing I hate with many podcasts is they start great: 1 show a week, week-in, week-out and then they get lazy and it’s a show there and a show here.
Anyhow, just my 2 cents and keep it up – I’m subscribed.
That was fabulous. Cheers on your first podcast. It was informative.
You did great! Gilmore gang! Haha!
Thanks for the kind words all – I expect we’ll do a brief one later this week (new equipment arrives on Wednesday), then we’ll take a hiatus until we’re up and running full speed the following week.
We’ll get on a regular schedule soon.
Podcasting 101 Series: A Complete Guide to Create, Edit and Publish your Own Podcast. So you want to be the next Howard Stern do you? Gone are the days when you had to be syndicated coast to coast by a chain of radio stations and multi-millions of dollars in equipment and financial backing. If you’ve got a computer you probably already have most of what you need. Sounds too good to be true? Then read on.
I liked the abundant show reference links that I was able to click while you were “plogging” ..