Podcast 2006.17: Interview with Duncan Riley
Podcast 2006.17: Our interview with Duncan Riley of b5media
Today, we feature a bit of news, and then an interview with b5media’s Vice President of Development Duncan Riley. We discuss how b5media was founded, how a bunch of folks around the world work together without having ever met, about rival blog networks like 9rules, and something about ‘fuqtwits’…
You can subscribe directly to our podcast feed in order to receive our show each day that it is released. For iTunes users, you can subscribe directly via iTunes.
And now, on with the show. Notes after the jump….
- Duncan Riley’s Blog
- b5media
- Google buys YouTube
- Google Proposes, Youtube Accepts… Now what?
- YouTube founders post video about acquisition by Google
- Is AdSense dead?
- Text Link Ads
- b5media takes $2m in VC funding
- Valleywag: b5media doesn’t deserve $2 million
- Mike Rundle’s comment on Valleywag
- BusinessLogs: Money buys lots of things, including objective feedback for b5media
- 9rules: 9rules received cookies
- 9rules sex blog spinoff taking applications 20 Feb only
- 9rules WTF 2
- 9rules WTF?
- Advertise on our podcast
Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.
Nice interview – lots of little tidbits for my next column here. ;-)
cool podcast. I’ve only listened to Jeremy Wright before this…I also did my first podcast interview last Friday….are podcasts so popular nowadays…Phew!