Blog bullies busted
Three male students at the Taft High School, Chicago were disciplined last week after obscene and threatening remarks were posted about Taft staff on a blog that reportedly had a teacher in tears when discovered this week.
According to The Chicago Sun-Times, the issue has divided students and teachers at the school, with many students, even those who disagree with the nature of the remarks, defending the students’ right to make them.
“It’s none of their business. Why are they monitoring online student journals in the first place?” demanded 16-year-old junior Fabiola Segovia. “You would think teachers and staff have better things to do, like making this school a better place. This school is crappy. I think they had no right to read it, much less suspend those students.”
One Nov. 3 blog posting said of a teacher: “She’ll see oh yes, there will be blood,” and, “no, I won’t kill her … yet” and her “neck will be … slit like a …… chicken!”
I don’t think anyone should have to live with the constant fear of being threatened like that. I think Taft has every right to do what they think is appropriate concerning the students. I’m a graduate of the Academic Center, and we never had to worry about Xanga or anything that was said on it. It wasn’t a big deal. People just posted random things, and responded. I just hope Taft does the right thing, whatever that may be.