Disqus Seeking Out A Few Brave Bloggers?
With more blogs embracing Disqus dead simple comment service, the engineers behind the company have decided to roll out a new tool to help publishers gain more insight about their commentors.
Unfortunately the new feature is not yet ready for prime time, although Disqus is asking for a few brave blog volunteers to help them work out the bugs in the system.
If Disqus is working well for you, we’d like Analytics to show you in what way. If your site’s community is lackluster, we’d like Analytics to help discover why. We’re able to see an incredible amount of data from the half a million communities powered by Disqus; we can see what works and what doesn’t on a broad level. […]
Want to help us test and improve Disqus Analytics? We’re now looking for alpha testers. No, not just early-adopting beta testers — we’re looking for people willing to bang on an early product and give us regular feedback. (Official Disqus Blog)
As seen in the video below, Disqus Analytics would help bloggers understand who exactly is commenting, as well as highlight which social network (or site) is sending them the most traffic.
Despite the fierce competition from rivals and blog platforms, the Disqus team continues to innovate at break neck speeds, having previously released Avatar like buttons and announcing plans of an iPhone app.
Although Disqus Analytics is probably still months away from a public release, this tool should give the Disqus an advantage over WordPress’s IntenseDebate, as well as convince even more bloggers to outsource their comment section.
Darnell Clayton is a geek who discovered blogging long before he heard of the word "blog" (he called them "web journals" then). When he is not tweeting, friendfeeding, or blogging about space, he enjoys running, reading and describing himself in third person.
I was always thinking about why comments on my blog reduced after installing disqus on it.Don’t whether people are not familiar with it or it just the normal down fall in comments.What will you suggest Darnell shall I quit using disqus and use default commenting system.
I personally use IntenseDebate, not because it’s layout is superior to Disqus (it’s not IMHO), but because their anti-spam feature combined with Akismet keeps 99% of human spam off of my sites.
But either way you should choose the commenting system that is best for your community (whether it’s the default system or another service).