Don’t Get Hacked! Forminator Plugin Vulnerable!

Forminator Vulnerability

In recent news, a critical vulnerability has been identified in the Forminator WordPress Contact Form plugin, putting thousands of websites at risk. This vulnerability, rated 9.8 on a scale of 1 to 10, allows unauthenticated attackers to upload malicious files and potentially execute remote code on affected sites. With up to 400,000+ websites at risk, it is crucial for WordPress users to understand the severity of this issue and take immediate action to protect their websites.

Understanding the Vulnerability

The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) has provided detailed information about the vulnerability affecting the Forminator plugin. According to the NVD, the vulnerability arises from a lack of proper file type validation in the upload_post_image() function, present in versions up to and including 1.24.6 of the plugin. This allows unauthenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files, including potentially malicious scripts, to the server, opening the possibility of remote code execution.

Unauthenticated Attackers and the Severity of the Threat

What sets this vulnerability apart is that it does not require an attacker to have any user level or authentication on the targeted website. While many vulnerabilities typically require attackers to attain a certain user level, this vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to exploit the site directly. This makes it a particularly worrisome threat, as it bypasses any user restrictions that may be in place.

With a vulnerability rating of 9.8, it is evident that this issue poses a significant risk. The ability for attackers to upload arbitrary files and potentially achieve remote code execution can result in severe consequences, including a complete site takeover. It is essential for WordPress website owners to take immediate action to mitigate this threat.

The Importance of Secure Contact Forms

Contact forms, in particular, must be secured to prevent any potential vulnerabilities. These forms often accept input from the public, making them more susceptible to attacks. WordPress plugins that allow registered or unauthenticated users to upload content, even text or images, need to have stringent limitations on what can be uploaded. Proper file type validation and sanitization of input data are crucial to prevent any unauthorized access or execution of malicious code.

Addressing the Vulnerability

The Forminator Contact Form plugin has released an updated version, 1.25.0, which addresses the critical vulnerability. It is highly recommended that all users of the plugin update to this version or any subsequent patched versions to ensure their websites are protected. Keeping plugins and themes up to date is a fundamental practice for maintaining the security of any WordPress website.

Understanding the Risks Beyond WordPress

While this vulnerability is specific to the Forminator WordPress plugin, it is essential to recognize that these types of vulnerabilities can occur in any Content Management System (CMS). WordPress provides coding standards and guidelines for publishers to follow to prevent such vulnerabilities. The WordPress developer page on plugin security emphasizes the importance of proper handling and sanitization of data from untrusted sources. By adhering to these guidelines, developers can minimize the risk of vulnerabilities and better protect their websites.

Staying Informed and Taking Action

To stay informed about the Forminator WordPress Contact Form plugin vulnerability, it is advisable to refer to official sources such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and security companies like Wordfence. These sources provide detailed advisories and recommendations for mitigating the vulnerability. By regularly checking for updates and following best practices for WordPress security, website owners can ensure they are taking proactive measures to protect their websites.

Changelog and Urgent Updates

In the context of software updates, a changelog serves as a record of all the changes made to the software. It is crucial for developers to communicate and highlight any vulnerability patches or urgent fixes through the changelog. This allows users to make informed decisions regarding updating their software promptly. The Forminator plugin changelog should have provided clear notification to users about the vulnerability patch in version 1.25.0. By including concise and transparent information, developers can help users understand the urgency of the update and the importance of maintaining their website’s security.


The Forminator WordPress Contact Form plugin vulnerability poses a critical threat to thousands of websites. With the ability for unauthenticated attackers to upload arbitrary files and potentially execute remote code, the consequences can be severe, including a complete site takeover. WordPress website owners must prioritize the security of their websites by updating to the latest patched version of the Forminator plugin and following recommended security practices. By staying informed and taking proactive measures, website owners can protect their websites and maintain the integrity of their online presence.

See first source: Search Engine Journal


Q1: What is the Forminator WordPress Contact Form plugin vulnerability?

A: The Forminator WordPress Contact Form plugin vulnerability is a critical security issue that allows unauthenticated attackers to upload malicious files and potentially execute remote code on affected websites. It has a severity rating of 9.8 out of 10.

Q2: How does this vulnerability affect websites using the Forminator plugin?

A: The vulnerability arises from improper file type validation in the plugin’s upload_post_image() function. Attackers can exploit this weakness to upload malicious files and potentially gain remote code execution, which can lead to serious consequences such as a complete site takeover.

Q3: Why is the Forminator vulnerability particularly concerning?

A: Unlike some vulnerabilities that require a certain user level or authentication, this vulnerability allows unauthenticated attackers to directly exploit the site. This makes it especially dangerous as it bypasses user restrictions that may be in place.

Q4: How can website owners mitigate the risk posed by this vulnerability?

A: Website owners using the Forminator Contact Form plugin should update to the latest patched version, which is 1.25.0 or any subsequent versions. Keeping plugins and themes up to date is a crucial practice to ensure the security of WordPress websites.

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Q5: What should developers keep in mind when addressing vulnerabilities like this?

A: Developers should follow coding standards and guidelines provided by platforms like WordPress to prevent vulnerabilities. Proper handling and sanitization of data from untrusted sources are crucial steps to minimize the risk of such vulnerabilities.

Q6: Are vulnerabilities like this specific to WordPress?

A: While this vulnerability is specific to the Forminator plugin, similar vulnerabilities can occur in any Content Management System (CMS). Adhering to security guidelines and best practices is important for minimizing vulnerabilities in any CMS.

Q7: How can users stay informed about the Forminator vulnerability?

A: Users can refer to official sources such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and security companies like Wordfence for advisories and mitigation recommendations. Regularly checking for updates and following best security practices is advisable.

Q8: What is the role of a changelog in addressing vulnerabilities?

A: A changelog records all changes made to software, including vulnerability patches. Developers should communicate urgent fixes through the changelog to prompt users to update their software promptly. Clear and transparent information helps users understand the urgency of updates.

Q9: How can website owners prioritize security beyond updating plugins?

A: In addition to updating plugins, website owners should follow recommended security practices. Securing contact forms, adhering to security guidelines, and staying informed about vulnerabilities are crucial steps to maintaining website security.

Q10: What is the importance of addressing vulnerabilities promptly?

A: Addressing vulnerabilities promptly is essential to prevent potential breaches, data leaks, and unauthorized access. Regular updates and adherence to security practices help protect websites from exploitation and maintain their integrity.

Featured Image Credit: Justin Morgan on Unsplash – Thank you!

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