Facebook Going Mobile With Like Button and Open Graph
Facebook has announced that their Open Graph and Like Platforms are going mobile.
Head of mobile products Eric Tseng said at the MobileBeat 2010 conference in San Francisco that the company “really sees mobile as the future.”
The move to mobile especially makes sense for Open Graph when partnered with geo-location based technology. Users could walk into a store that’s having a sale, receive information about that sale and then see relevant reviews or suggestions from their Facebook friends about those products, creating a more interactive advertising platform for retailers.
Tseng also announced that approximately 150 million Facebook users access the platform from their mobile devices with a strong growth curve still being witnessed.
Tseng comments on mobile apps, stating that his company believes apps will continue to become more social:
“Inevitably, app stores will become more social. As we get more apps, that’s going to be great. But the average user isn’t going to go through thousands of apps on their phone.”
If nothing else, the option to “Like” items right from your mobile should definitely help Facebook created a higher level of information sharing. What do you think about this new Facebook focus?