Foursquare Check-Ins Now Part Of Klout Algorithm
Klout users who pay close attention to their own Klout score and the scores of their friends, business partners and other users will now discover that the company has added Foursquare check-ins to the mix, adding more user based information to their overall social reach algorithm.
Foursquare is added to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn which was added to the program in June.
Adding Foursquare to your Klout account is a very simple process, first log into your Klout dashboard, next click on the “Foursquare” button at which point you can use your login name or Facebook and Twitter accounts to tie your Foursquare account to your Klout account.
Klout has picked up a lot of steam ever since they announced the +K button which allows users to give Klout to fellow users in specific areas deemed “influential” for that user by Klout.
While it is still unclear how Klout will integrate Foursquare with their system it’s likely that a users badges, mayorships, friend counts and location based check-ins at physical locations will all be taken into consideration.
With the announcement of this new integration users are already asking for a Google+ option, however Google has not yet released a public API for their system, although one is expected soon.
Here’s a closer look at the Foursquare integration button found on the Klout system:
It will be interesting to see if Klout takes Foursquare scoring into account while upgrading or downgrading Klout scores. If you are unfamiliar with Fourscore scoring the system is based off 7-day totals which means a user can lose all of their points if they stop using the system for extended periods of time.
Do you use Klout? If you do test it out and let us know what you think about the company’s newest integration offering.