fring offering mobile blogging gadgets to Beijing Olympics bloggers
fring, the mobile communications service provider, is offering anyone already on their way to Beijing for the Olympics this summer (or anyone willing to stump up the airfare) the chance to blog about the Games using a sweet mobile blogging setup.
Successful applicants (thereafter called “fringsters”) will get a 3.5G mobile phone with GPS, camera, local SIM card, and near-unlimited data plan. In return, fringsters can “microblog” their experiences of the Games with text and photo updates. Obviously, it’s a fairly light-hearted affair, as their blog suggests:
“…the fringCommentator will regularly micro-blog with quick updates & pictures (the winner, the loser, the cutest flag-bearer, the poor girl who lost her swimsuit, the poor guy who dropped the baton in the 4×100 meter final… you get the idea).
If you want to apply, you’ll need to be a fring user already. All the other relevant details can be found in this blog post.
(Via Tech Digest)
Andy Merrett is a London-based full-time blogger writing for several Shiny Media technology blogs and various other projects. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.
lol, they are going to censor all the blogs