Know When Blogs Are Updated With byTagg
I recently admitted that I had a senior moment when I suddenly stopped visiting blogs that were once part of my daily routine.
Thanks to an e-mail tip from regular reader Chauncey, we bring you byTagg – the small download that will ensure you do not fail to remember a blog’s name again.
While the popularity of RSS feeds has grown exponentially over the past few years, there are still many people who do not understand the concept. Part of the problem is that many browsers and readers still display feeds in an awkward fashion. byTagg lets you follow your favorite blogs and alerts you when they are updated.
There is an affiliate program where users can earn 50% of advertising proceeds on byTagg. Any time bloggers have a chance to earn money without having people actually visit their site, that is a plus. byTagg effectively builds a bridge between content publishers and readers.
byTagg is available only for Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, and Vista – MAC and Linux versions are in the works.
Andrew G.R. is the owner of Jobacle, a career advice and employment news blog and podcast designed to make work better. Follow him on Twitter.
The solution is even simpler: RSS and Google Reader.
I havent “regularly checked a blog” in many many years.
Hi Andrew!
Very nice post :) Thank you for talking about our product :)
You can also join at our affiliate program and get even more with byTagg, check it out at
Again, thank you :)