Merit Badges Come To Foursquare, Boy Scouts Rejoice
Want to do more with your Foursquare account? Now you can add merit badges to your favorite check-in program, allowing for actual achievements rather than just having your recent locations recognized.
One example of the program is Health Month, a Foursquare game that challenges players to better their lives on a monthly basis by setting up goals relating to mental states, diet, fitness and their overall health. Reach your goals and you can earn up to four merit badges.
Mashable further explains how the Health Month badges work:
Each day, you’ll complete your scorecard and indicate whether or not you satisfied the terms of each rule. You start the month off with 10 life points, and you’ll lose a life point every time you break a rule. Should you finish the month with more than one life point, then you will have successfully survived your bracket and will be placed on the Wall of Awesomeness.
Win your bracket and you can even earn an extra self-improvement badge.
The badges are a way not only to reward players, but for Foursquare to possibly develop a healthy amount of return on their investment by eventually offering sponsored badges for completing tasks and for performing certain activities a sponsor would like to see occur.
What do you think about this new merit based offering, will it make you more excited to use Foursquare and the programs available options like Health Month.