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New Top SEO KPIs for Unstoppable Success

New Top SEO KPIs for Unstoppable Success

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Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in driving organic traffic and improving online visibility. However, it’s not enough to implement SEO strategies blindly. To truly understand the impact of your efforts, you need to measure and track key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to your business objectives. In this article, we will explore the concept of SEO KPIs, their importance, and how to set them effectively. We will also delve into the various SEO metrics that should be monitored to gauge the success of your SEO campaigns.

What are SEO KPIs?

SEO KPIs, or key performance indicators, are measurable metrics that allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO strategies. These metrics provide insights into the performance of your website, the visibility it achieves on search engine result pages, and the impact on your business goals. SEO KPIs typically track visibility, traffic, and conversions, providing quantifiable data related to your SEO efforts.

Why are SEO KPIs Important?

Carefully measuring and tracking SEO KPIs is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, they act as a control system, ensuring that your SEO tactics are delivering the desired results and that your time and resources are being utilized effectively. They also provide valuable feedback, indicating whether your strategies are working and informing you of any necessary adjustments required due to changes in the search landscape or algorithms. Additionally, SEO KPIs facilitate communication with stakeholders by providing understandable metrics tailored to their specific needs.

How to Set SEO Goals and KPIs

Setting effective SEO goals and KPIs requires a systematic approach. Here is a simple process to help you determine your objectives and identify the appropriate KPIs:

Step 1: Determine your SEO goals

Start by identifying your SEO objectives. Consider the important tasks that need to be achieved in the short term and long term. It’s essential to ensure that these goals align with your overall business and marketing objectives. Clearly articulate how your SEO goals contribute to driving the overall business goals. To keep focus, it is recommended to start with three to five goals.

Step 2: Define what you will measure

Next, define the metrics that you will track to measure progress towards your SEO goals. These metrics should act as steps that lead you closer to achieving your overall objectives. Similar to the goals, it is advisable to have three to five measurement metrics for each goal. The chosen metrics should provide a comprehensive view of your SEO performance, allowing you to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies accurately.

Step 3: Decide on the length of your cycle

Establish the frequency at which you will track your SEO metrics. While most SEO metrics are tracked monthly, there may be exceptions such as tracking keyword rankings daily but reviewing them monthly. Additionally, you may want to generate quarterly, bi-yearly, and annual reports. Consider the nature of your goals and adjust the cycle length accordingly, factoring in the time required to see tangible results like leads and sales.

Step 4: Review and reflect

Regularly review each KPI and assess its performance. Identify what is working well and what can be improved. The purpose of KPIs is to provide insights that allow you to evaluate your approach critically and make necessary adjustments. Treat your KPIs as experiments, testing the validity of your hypotheses. Be flexible and open to adapting and adjusting your tactics based on the results.

Key SEO Metrics to Track

Now that we understand the process of setting SEO goals and KPIs, let’s explore the key metrics that should be tracked to evaluate the success of your SEO campaigns. These metrics can be categorized into different groups, each providing valuable insights into different aspects of your SEO performance.

SEO Keywords

Keywords have long been a fundamental aspect of SEO. However, tracking keywords in the modern search landscape can be complex due to various search result elements. Despite this complexity, tracking keywords for progress and verifying the effectiveness of your strategy is still important. Some metrics to consider when tracking keywords include:

  • Local pack visibility
  • Organic listings
  • Featured snippets
  • Sitelinks
  • Knowledge cards and panels
  • Videos
  • People also ask
  • Video previews

To get a comprehensive view of keyword performance, combine multiple factors such as rankings, organic impressions, and clicks from tools like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tool.

SEO Metrics

Traditional SEO metrics provided by various tools offer insights into the perceived authority and trustworthiness of your site. While these metrics are important, they need to be contextualized by comparing them to competitor values. Some of these metrics include:

  • Majestic Citation Flow
  • Majestic Trust Flow
  • Moz Domain Authority
  • Moz Page Authority
  • Moz Spam Score

To get a comprehensive view of keyword performance, combine multiple factors such as rankings, organic impressions, and clicks from tools like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tool.

SEO Metrics

Traditional SEO metrics provided by various tools offer insights into the perceived authority and trustworthiness of your site. While these metrics are important, they need to be contextualized by comparing them to competitor values. Some of these metrics include:

  • Majestic Citation Flow
  • Majestic Trust Flow
  • Moz Domain Authority
  • Moz Page Authority
  • Moz Spam Score

It’s essential to connect these metrics to your overarching goals and strategies, ensuring that improvements in perceived authority correlate with an increase in rankings and organic traffic.

Real-world SEO KPIs

While authority and rankings are important, what truly matters is whether your SEO efforts are making a real difference to your business. Tracking real-world SEO KPIs allows you to evaluate the actual impact of your SEO strategies. Some metrics to consider include:

  • Increase in organic traffic
  • Increase in pages on the site that generate traffic
  • Increase in non-branded search traffic
  • Percentage increase in traffic from specific geographic regions
  • Organic Impressions (Search Console)
  • Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR) (Search Console)

By tracking these metrics, you can assess the effectiveness of your SEO efforts in driving relevant traffic to your website.

Conversion KPIs

One of the most critical SEO KPIs is conversion. Tracking conversions from organic search helps you understand the direct impact of your SEO efforts on lead generation and sales. Some conversion KPIs to consider include:

  • Conversions from organic search
  • Percentage increase in conversion rate
  • Organic search conversion rate
  • Sales conversions
  • Lead conversions
  • Downloads
  • Email clicks
  • Phone number clicks
  • Form fills
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA)

Tracking these KPIs allows you to measure the return on investment (ROI) of your SEO efforts and compare the performance of organic search with other marketing channels.

Engagement KPIs

Engagement metrics provide insights into the quality of traffic generated from SEO. By tracking engagement metrics, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO strategies in driving user interaction and encouraging users to spend more time on your website. Some engagement KPIs to consider include:

  • Average engagement time
  • Engaged sessions per user
  • Average engagement time per session

These metrics help you understand the quality of traffic from SEO compared to other marketing channels, enabling you to optimize your strategies accordingly.

Referral Traffic

A successful SEO campaign can go beyond driving organic traffic and also generate high-quality referral traffic. Tracking referral traffic allows you to measure the effectiveness of your content and link-building strategies. Some referral traffic KPIs to consider include:

  • Percentage increase in referral traffic
  • Percentage increase in referral conversions
  • Percentage increase in engagement metrics (bounce rate, pages per session, time on site)

By tracking these metrics, you can demonstrate the additional value that your SEO strategies bring, as referral traffic often converts at a better rate than organic search traffic.

See Also

Brand Impact

Improved search visibility not only increases organic traffic but also enhances overall brand visibility. Tracking the increase in branded search traffic and brand mentions allows you to measure the impact of your SEO efforts on brand awareness. Some brand impact KPIs to consider include:

  • Percentage increase in branded search traffic
  • Percentage increase in brand mentions
  • Visibility on third-party sites

By tracking these metrics, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO strategies in raising brand awareness and measure relative market awareness compared to your competitors.

Link Building KPIs

Links continue to be a crucial factor in search engine visibility. Tracking the number of links from authority sites and highly relevant sites provides insights into the success of your link-building efforts. Some link building KPIs to consider include:

  • Total number of links
  • Total number of links gained during a specific time period
  • Number of links from authority sites
  • Number of links from relevant sites
  • Links lost

By comparing your link profile with those of your competitors, you can determine the effectiveness of your link-building strategies and identify areas for improvement.

Soft Conversion KPIs

Lead generation is a vital component of digital marketing, and your SEO efforts can have an impact on various types of leads throughout the sales funnel. Tracking soft conversion KPIs allows you to measure the effectiveness of your SEO strategies in generating leads and driving user engagement. Some soft conversion KPIs to consider include:

  • Percentage increase in newsletter signups
  • Percentage increase in social media followers and likes
  • Business-specific lead generation goals (whitepapers, data sheets, etc.)

By tracking these KPIs, you can evaluate the impact of your SEO strategies on lead generation and assess their contribution to your overall digital marketing efforts.

Business Objective-specific KPIs

To align your SEO strategies with your overall business objectives, it’s essential to establish KPIs that are specific to your business goals. These KPIs may vary depending on your industry and marketing objectives. Some examples of business objective-specific KPIs include:

  • Total number of sales/leads/inquiries
  • Increase in revenue from organic search
  • Increase in customer lifetime value
  • Increase in market share

By customizing your SEO KPIs to align with your business objectives, you can demonstrate the value of your SEO efforts in driving business growth and success.


In the world of SEO, measuring and tracking the right KPIs is crucial to understanding the impact of your efforts and driving success. By setting clear SEO goals, defining relevant metrics, and regularly reviewing and reflecting on your performance, you can optimize your SEO strategies and achieve your business objectives. Whether it’s tracking keywords, evaluating engagement metrics, or monitoring conversion rates, the right SEO KPIs provide valuable insights that can guide your decision-making and drive continuous improvement. So, start implementing a robust SEO KPI framework today and unlock the full potential of your SEO campaigns.

See first source: Search Engine Land

Featured Image Credit: Silvan Arnet; Unsplash; Thank you!

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