Structured Data: Google Allows Mixing Formats

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Structured data plays a crucial role in helping search engines understand the content and context of webpages. Google, the leading search engine, has recently made an announcement that has significant implications for how structured data can be implemented. In this article, we will explore Google’s decision to allow the merging of different formats of structured data, the difference between JSON-LD and Microdata, the impact on SEO, and the benefits for publishers.

What is Structured Data?

Structured data is a standardized format used to provide information about a webpage’s content, enabling search engines to better understand and interpret the data. By implementing structured data, website owners can enhance their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and potentially qualify for rich snippets and other enriched search features.

The Announcement: Merging Structured Data Formats

Google’s recent announcement has shaken up the world of structured data implementation. Previously, website owners had to choose between JSON-LD or Microdata formats when marking up their content. However, Google has now given the green light to merge these two formats, offering more flexibility and options for webmasters.

Aleyda Solis first shared this news from the Google Search Central Live event in Zurich. Google made a soft launch of this update, which went largely unnoticed until its official announcement. It is important to note that this change is not mandatory, and website owners can continue to use their existing JSON-LD structured data if it meets their needs.

Understanding the Difference: JSON-LD vs. Microdata

Before delving into the benefits and implications of this merge, let’s briefly understand the difference between JSON-LD and Microdata.


JSON-LD, or JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is a script that can be placed in the head section or anywhere within the body of an HTML page. One of the primary advantages of JSON-LD is its ease of maintenance and readability. It allows for separate, clean, and concise structured data, independent of the HTML markup. This makes it easier to troubleshoot and manage.


On the other hand, Microdata is markup that integrates with HTML as attributes of elements. It involves adding specific attributes to HTML elements to provide structured data. For example, a heading element (H1, H2, etc.) can contain a Microdata attribute to describe the name of a movie. Microdata offers a low-code solution for incorporating structured data directly into the HTML markup.

Use Cases for Mixing JSON-LD and Microdata

The ability to merge JSON-LD and Microdata opens up new possibilities and use cases for website owners. Let’s explore a few scenarios where this mixing of formats can be beneficial.

1. Communicating Main Content

One common use case is to communicate the main content of a webpage to Google without bloating the JSON-LD structured data and HTML size. Previously, website owners had to reproduce the main content within the JSON-LD structured data. However, with the merge of formats, Microdata can be used to communicate the main content, specifically when using Article structured data. This eliminates the need for duplicate content within the JSON-LD markup.

2. Live Blogging

Another use case is Live Blogging structured data, where website owners can now have the option to use both Microdata and JSON-LD. This provides more flexibility in implementing structured data for live blog posts, allowing for a combination of formats to effectively communicate the content to search engines.

Impact on SEO

The merging of structured data formats has implications for SEO. While the impact may vary depending on the specific use cases and implementation, there are a few key points to consider.

1. Flexibility and Options

The merge of formats offers website owners more flexibility and options when implementing structured data. It eliminates the need to choose between JSON-LD and Microdata exclusively, providing the freedom to use both formats as needed. This flexibility can simplify the implementation process and cater to individual website requirements.

2. Reduced Code Size

By utilizing Microdata for specific elements, website owners can reduce the size of their JSON-LD structured data. This can lead to faster-loading webpages and improved user experience. Additionally, smaller code sizes can positively impact website performance, as search engines can process the structured data more efficiently.

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3. Enhanced Visibility in SERPs

Implementing structured data effectively can enhance a website’s visibility in SERPs. With the ability to mix formats, website owners can provide more comprehensive and accurate information to search engines. This can result in better categorization, rich snippets, and other enriched search features, ultimately improving the website’s visibility and increasing organic traffic.

See first source: Search Engine Journal


1. What is structured data, and why is it important for websites?

Structured data is a standardized format used to provide information about a webpage’s content. It helps search engines better understand and interpret the data on a webpage, enhancing a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and potentially qualifying it for rich snippets and enriched search features.

2. What was Google’s recent announcement regarding structured data?

Google has announced that it now allows website owners to merge different formats of structured data, specifically JSON-LD and Microdata. This change offers more flexibility and options for webmasters when implementing structured data.

3. What is the difference between JSON-LD and Microdata in structured data?

  • JSON-LD: JSON-LD, or JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is a script that can be placed in the head section or anywhere within the body of an HTML page. It provides clean, concise structured data that is separate from the HTML markup.
  • Microdata: Microdata is markup that integrates with HTML as attributes of elements. It involves adding specific attributes to HTML elements to provide structured data directly within the HTML markup.

4. Why would website owners want to mix JSON-LD and Microdata in their structured data?

Mixing JSON-LD and Microdata offers flexibility in structured data implementation. It can be beneficial for scenarios such as communicating main content without duplication, using both formats for live blogging, and adapting structured data to specific website needs.

Featured Image Credit: Hal Gatewood; Unsplash – Thank you!

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