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The last word on the TechCrunch mess

The last word on the TechCrunch mess

Many wrote additional comments on the Tech Crunch design mess that we reported on twice this week (first post, second post).

None was more eloquent than my former partner and uber-designer Chris Pearson:

What happened to the mutual respect that web professionals are supposed to pay one another? I mean, I know there’s not a formal guild or anything, but seriously – why on earth would anyone want to go out and throw a colleague under a bus without provocation? While I have no sound rebuttal to combat pure insanity, all I can say this morning is this – Michael Arrington of TechCrunch is officially losing it.

Chris even made both Valleywag and TechMeme. Today, he’s my idol.

See Also
Google Business Optimization

And don’t miss Arrington’s own response to all of this. I expect to see him as the next bastard of the blogs anytime now.

View Comments (2)
  • Arrington has shown a lot more class and maturity that you have, he’s a pro and won’t resort to the name calling that you’ve let yourself fall into. And the proof is in the pie, compare the popularities of your site to his.

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