Twitter Receives 3% Of Traffic From Justin Bieber Account
While some celebrities have millions of Twitter followers, they simply can’t claim the type of traffic Justin Bieber brings to the site. The New York Daily News spoke with Dustin Curtis, a designer who interviewed a member of the Twitter staff and they learned that Bieber is so popular that 3% of all Twitter conversations are based around his account.
According to the report “racks of servers” are dedicated to ensure Bieber conversations run smoothly, not surprising for a pop sensation with 5,110,606 followers (at the time of this posting).
Throw in Ashton Kutcher, Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian, each who have more than 4 million followers and there you have it, probably a good 5% of Twitter conversations are based around less than half a dozen people.
Other important areas of conversation on Twitter according to Curtis include bashing airlines, bashing Comic Sans and I would be willing to bet bashing Lindsay Lohan, although that’s not a fully vetted confirmation.
Does it surprise you that so much traffic is dedicated to so few people? I have to admit, I’m not all that surprised, Twitter is largely a platform these days for product spammers, celebrity talk and I agree with Curtis, airline bashing.
Justin Bieber is quite talented at a very young age, he sings good too -,*