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WordPress Founder Shares Views About AdSense, Hosting And More

WordPress Founder Shares Views About AdSense, Hosting And More

Matt Mullenweg (the founder of WordPress and Automattic) was recently interviewed by the legendary Robert Scoble (who was taking questions from users on Twitter).

During the interview (which was produced by Silicon Prairie News) Matt shared his opinions regarding AdSense, WordPress security, hosting companies and even social buttons (the latter which he humorously referred to as “mullets”).

Matt Mullenweg – Automattic from Big Omaha on Vimeo.

Some surprising revelations throughout the interview included AdSense not monetizing as much for as he hoped for, as revenues from ads have been flat despite the increase in traffic towards the site.

This probably explains why the company has placed a greater emphasis upon premium services for revenue instead of AdSense, although Matt was hoping that a rival (like Facebook) would jump in the game to help challenge Google (as competition would potentially benefit everyone).

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Security also seemed to be a a major topic as well, with Robert Scoble pointing out how hackers have been trying to insert ads within his site through various methods (one which was method was through themes).

While Matt did mention VaultPress as a way to protect user’s data, he also discussed ways some hosting companies (like BlueHost) are taking steps to secure WordPress sites by having server admin’s alerted via email every time a suspicious change is made on the server.

Another surprising tidbit was the fact that WordPress had geolocation built in back in the day (version 1.5) long before it became a fad upon Facebook, Foursquare, et al, although he did reveal that WordPress does have plans to build it back in for their users in the future.

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