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Understanding The Top SEO Trends For 2017

Understanding The Top SEO Trends For 2017

If you want to make sure that your blog or website is going to stand out from the rest and rank well within the search engines, you will need to stay on top of the SEO (search engine optimization) trends that will be gaining some force behind them throughout 2017.

Turn to Experts for Help

Too many people have made the mistake of trying to wing it and do all of their SEO work on their own. In many cases, this did not work out too well for them. They were not seeing the amount of traffic that they need in order to see positive results in their business.

You can get all kinds of help with link building, proofreading, citation cleanups, and premium SEO content that is engaging for your target audience. Could it cost some money to get some expert assistance with all of this? Sure, but if you want your business to succeed you have to be willing to invest in it. If you do not have faith in it, how will anyone else have faith in it?

Be Nice to the Mobile World

More and more people are looking up content from the comfort of their trustworthy smart phone. After all, why get up to go turn on the computer when your smart phone is right there in front of you? Since so many people are turning to their phones for their Internet searches, Google is rewarding websites with better page rankings when they are mobile-friendly.

You need to make sure that all aspects of your website are mobile optimized. This means everything from your logo to your content, and from the fonts that you use to the colors of your background.

Get Quicker with Your Timing

It is crucial to make sure that you are doing everything you can in order to load your SEO content as fast as possible in order to rank well with Google. You might even want to look into the various SEO platforms that can help you improve the performance of your site, as well we increase the engagement that you end up seeing from the people that visit your pages.

Also, to make sure that all of your hard work and your investments are not in vain, you will want professional assistance to make sure that your content is well protected from hackers. For this, you will want to make use of a security plugin that will look over your site, identify any vulnerabilities, and then help you make any corrections that are needed.

Make Proper Use of Cross-Channel Marketing

Cross-channel marketing is essential in 2017 because of the many platforms your audience will find themselves on. Not only will you want to make sure that you are making use of all of the social media applications for your cross-channel marketing, but you will want to know that you are putting out the best possible message. Another big aspect that you do not want to miss out on is figuring out when the best time is to release your posts, content, or comments. This is to ensure that you are reaching the most amount of people that fall within your target audience.

There is certainly a lot of effort that is going to have to be put into SEO throughout 2017. This might be something that you will want to try to tinker with on your own. However, you might benefit the most by taking advantage of the applications, programs, or professional writer or content strategist in order to get the biggest rewards for your efforts.

See Also

Appreciate Google RankBrain

RankBrain is the artificial intelligence system that Google uses in order to correctly process the many search results that it gets. It is important to make sure that you understand that while RankBrain is not the method in which search results are ranked within Google, but rather a vital part of the algorithm used in determining which pages are the most relevant for the keywords that are used in the queries made online.

You might wonder how RankBrain makes much of a difference compared to the artificial intelligence systems that were used in the past. Basically, in the past, the exact keywords used in the search function had to appear verbatim in the text of the websites, or those pages would simply not show up.

Now, with the advancement being made with RankBrain, Google is now able to find and rank pages that are suitable for the search terms used, without the search terms needing to be exact matches. Think of synonyms and how many more quality pages you could be looking at if the computer search engine was a little smarter than before. Well, now it is and Internet users are able to find more of what they need a lot easier. This also gives companies a better chance at getting the attention they need.

Are you feeling a little more confident with your knowledge of SEO? Just start plugging away at your 2017 SEO goals and you are bound to notice a nice improvement in your web presence before you know it. More people will find your content, which will lead to more people purchasing things from you or signing up for the services that you are offering. The SEO world is now something that you can tackle with confidence and expect great results.

View Comments (7)
  • I found that understanding your competitors metrics, whether its total traffic, backlinks, ranked keywords and content helps you to increase your seo.

  • Hi David ,

    You right David cross-channel is another great trends in SEO for 2017, It’s really helped me a lot for my blog. Today I’ve learned new trends RankBrain.

    Great Thanks !

  • I do agree with your views on different trends to work in 2017 and would like to add one very important point here which is; chat boats.

    We have seen many clients asking to integrate chat boats which encourage website users to do specific action or to suggest some content. We have tried and tested one lead generation chat boat and found that the opt-in ratio increase by 43%!

    What are your views on it?

  • I really appreciate the way you described David. This is really valuable and I hope it will help me in by internet business. Hope to see more posts like this from your end. Thank you.

  • Hi, Thanks for sharing your thought. I have question. What is more important for a website? Unique article or High PR Backlinks ?

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