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Mississippi River Flavor Company Opens Wabasha Store

Mississippi River Flavor Company Opens Wabasha Store

"River Flavor Store"

Mississippi River Flavor Company, an enterprise founded by veterans Jaden and Erica Peck, is soon to open its first retail outlet in Wabasha. The store, located by the banks of its namesake, will present customers with a myriad of gourmet spice mixes, sauces, and meat rubs that boast the unique culinary heritage of the Mississippi area.

Planned productivity is impressively diverse, ranging from vibrant Cajun spice concoctions to hearty Midwestern meat marinades. More than simply offering customers palate excitement, the store promises immersive experiences like tasting events and cooking classes designed to foster a community around food.

Launched amidst the 2022 pandemic, the Pecks turned what could have been a time of stagnation into one of innovativeness and resilience. They began by selling their spice blends at local farmers’ markets, but by coupling their passion for quality with social media marketing, their brand quickly gained popularity.

With an expanded product line and a following of loyal customers, the Pecks’ business found its way into grocery stores in several states by late 2020. The secret to their success, however, lay in the community they were building along the way and the values they held dear: sustainability, quality, and community.

Their conviction to give back to the community is inspired by their personal triumph over severe hardships post their military tenure. This is manifested in their decision to help other veterans by allocating a portion of their business earnings in their support, a commitment that shines a light of hope and inspiration for their community.

On its quest to deliver superior and clean products, the Mississippi River Flavor Company insists on avoiding anti-caking substances and unnecessary ingredients in their spice combinations. Erica Peck emphasized this approach as a commitment to provide consumers with pure, authentic flavors.

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The company’s upcoming retail store, set to reside in Wabasha’s downtown area, is expected to lure customers with crowd favorites like Vermont Maple Bacon and Savory Steak and Chop, as well as innovative tastes like Pecan Praline and Spicy Carolina BBQ. In sync with its commitment to sustainability, the company uses locally sourced ingredients, adding to its appeal, credibility, and anticipation in the city’s dining scene.

To round off, Mississippi River Flavor Company is more than just a name offering extraordinary flavors. Their strong ethical practices coupled with their commitment to community service make them a well-rounded addition to Wabasha’s burgeoning food scene.

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