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Social Networks Broken Down By Demographic [Infographic]

Social Networks Broken Down By Demographic [Infographic]

To better portray how certain demographics use social networking and to show the pull those social networks have over users the team at created a social network infographic.

Some statistics we already knew, for example Facebook rules the pack with 901+ million users. Other facts though are interesting, for example learning that Pinterest is still dominated by 68.2 % women.

Interestingly enough Pinterest users spend the same 405 minutes per month browsing the sites various pins when compared to 405 minutes that users spend on various parts of the Facebook website.

I found the “user worth” section to be the most eye-opening as Facebook users are “worth” an estimated $118 while LinkedIn (its next closest competitor) has a user value of $71.43.

Here’s the infographic:

Social Media User Demographics Based On Network

What part of this infographic did you find the most interesting? Was it the overall user demographics, the value placed on our accounts or the simple fact that Pinterest is gaining momentum at an incredible rate?


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