"SEO Optimization"

Optimizing YouTube SEO improves video rankings

As one of the leading social media platforms and the world’s second most utilized search engine, YouTube’s SEO is becoming exceedingly critical. Tweaking video content for better visibility in search results through…


"Agencies Shape Media"
Small-scale agencies effectively shape media industry

The contemporary media environment necessitates innovative and audience-specific content from agencies. By thorough understanding of their audience’s expectations, consistent delivery of interactive, high-quality content on trending media platforms, and keen attention to…

"Student Experience"
San Diego State University students gain real-world PR experience

Recently, a group of Public Relations students from San Diego State University (SDSU) visited the Los Angeles branch of Allison Worldwide, where they interacted with seasoned professionals such as Scott Pansky, Lily…

"Industry Insights"
San Diego PR students gain industry insights

Recently, public relations (PR) students from San Diego State University (SDSU) connected with industry professionals and gained invaluable insights into the real-world workings of PR. As members of the Public Relations Student…

Awards Excellence
Top Agencies Awards highlight excellence in advertising

The Top Agencies Awards are special acknowledgements to recognize the best of the best in advertising, but there’s more to these honors than just the accolades. At the core of these awards…