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Everything You Need to Know About Content Review

Everything You Need to Know About Content Review

Growing your blog, e-commerce site, or the overall content marketing strategy isn’t easy. Content management is a challenging job that’ll have you face-to-face with new problems and a bigger content footprint daily. 

And you need a dependable, expert-tested process to deal with and resolve these challenges. 

Besides, your website is also often the first point of contact a customer has with your brand during their journey. It has to be amazing to ensure that they buy the first time and keep coming back for more. Your content should therefore be attention-grabbing and updated so that customers know what your services stand for.

For these reasons, you need to set up a content review process that enhances the effectiveness of your content creation, content distribution, marketing, and management efforts. 

Recommended: Before getting starting with a content review, I would highly recommend analyzing your site for foundational SEO. One ways of doing this is with Adogy’s free tool that provides information likes a performance report, usability report, rankings analysis, and more. 

What Is a Content Review?

Content Review is the process of identifying and monitoring all the content that is there on a company’s website. It ensures that all the information on the website is updated for visitors to read and understand the company’s values and mission by which they stand by. 

As a content reviewer, you will be required to analyze the content that is displayed on the website/blog, from text-based content to any digital or visual graphic content. You will also be responsible for resolving any issues that might be reported by users.

Benefits Of Having A Content Review And Approval Process 

Delivering work on time requires efficiency and coordination between marketing, legal, and product departments. Without a draft review process, each department may develop a new idea that might clash with the overall resulting product. Let’s look at some of the benefits of having a content review team.

Ensure Brand Consistency & High-Quality

One of the most important reasons for carrying out a content review process is to ensure brand consistency. With the number of digital applications available online, it has become relatively easy to create multiple content types that highlight your brand mission.

A review process will ensure that your marketing team knows what tone to adapt to each of their content. It may also help align all content produced with the company’s mission statement.

Help Your Team Save Time

Establishing guidelines will make it easier for your marketing team to know precisely what kind of content to create. Adhering to a set standard will also minimize any misunderstanding within the content team and ensure that job is done quickly and efficiently. 

Organize All Feedback

For consistent improvement, it is crucial to maintain a feedback and approval system within your team. 

However, the management may change, and the task of approving content may move to someone else. In such cases, having a standard approval procedure helps new managers take charge without making significant changes.

Approving content also begets constant improvements, ensuring high-quality content to be produced at each stage.

How To Set Up A Content Review And Approval Process

Here is a quick and practical guide to setting up a content review and approval practice for your business:

Set Your Objectives For Content Creation

Producing content without a clear objective in mind can lead to disjointed content that can give an impression of disorganization. Before creating any content, ask yourself the following:

  • What are you trying to achieve with your content?
  • Do you want to rank top on search engines?
  • Do you want to create engagement? 
  • Or do you want to educate an audience? 

Create Content Standards And Editorial Guidelines

Developing strong guidelines can ensure high quality and consistent content to be produced across your entire team and any guest writers. For example, establish a color scheme that aligns with your brand, so the content you create distinguishes your brand. You can take help from various online guides and templates to create a unique design language for your business.

Source: Venngage

Establishing standard rules to create content is vital in project management. It can be especially helpful when working on multiple projects where time is of the essence.

Build A Clear And Transparent Process

The first step in implementing an effective and efficient content review process is defining who will be responsible at each stage.

Suppose you are part of a large team. In that case, the chances are that collaborating on the different content and files may get complicated. 

This is where markup, annotation, and highlighting tools come in handy. Having software or a platform where all team members can view, edit, and make files collectively can enhance teamwork and ensure better content quality. 

Ideally, you should choose tools that align with your values of flexibility, ease of use, and transparency between team members. 

Define The Content Team (Creators, Reviewers, Managers)

For a successful content marketing strategy, all your team members should have clearly defined job descriptions. From content strategists to writers and content reviewers to managers, each team member should be aware of the responsibilities that come with their role. 

Content Creator – Marketing your brand may involve content creators who create both written and visual content. To further specify your team roles so that everyone has a specific goal to achieve, it is preferred to distinguish your graphic content team from your writing team.

Content Reviewer – Their responsibility entails identifying any minor edits or changes needed to ensure brand consistency.

Content Manager – They supervise all the content creating and marketing strategies needed to create a formidable online presence. A content manager can edit or review the content at any time and is also responsible for engaging with clients and customers.

By defining role responsibilities and descriptions at every level, you can easily identify and rectify delays when they occur.

Best Content Review Tools 

There are many content analysis tools to help you adjust your content reviewing strategy to determine your team’s efficiency. These include:


Filestage has all the tools reviewers need to analyze content with little or no professional training. Filestage makes it easy for team members to view and annotate documents in real-time, making the approval process easy and stress-free.


Aproove is an excellent software to streamline all your business workflows and manage multiple projects at a time with Aproove Work Management. It also provides workflow automation and task management, making the reviewing and compliance process easy between team members.


Pageproof is an online proofing platform for content creators and reviewers to review and approve their work more efficiently. It lets you make proofs for various HTML files, Microsoft Word, web banners, email templates, and many more.

3 Best Practices to Improve your Content Review Process

Whether you’re a small company or a large corporation, it can be useful to have a review team examine the drafts for any brand inconsistencies or minor errors.  

However, this process can be quite labor-intensive and can lead to mismanagement if not done properly. 

Make sure that you:

Clarify The Due Dates 

Having deadlines for every task ensures that work is done on time and makes it easy and efficient for team members to manage the rest of the work accordingly. 

Guide Reviewers

Whether you have in-house content reviewers or outsource it, make sure the content matches the reviewer’s expertise. Having a technical writer evaluate a copywriting advertisement would be of little to no help since technical writers are more experienced informal writing modes.

Additionally, before reviewing, make sure you have enough time at hand. Editing and evaluating can be a lot of work. Before you commit to such a role, make sure you can meet the deadline and efficiently carry out your job.

Create A Repeatable System

Once you have set criteria for your review process, your next step should be to ensure that all the steps are followed for every content reviewed. Having a repeatable review and approval system eliminates any confusion regarding the process and can also help speed up the review process.

Also, don’t forget to incorporate A/B testing for what works and what doesn’t. Use it for both – creating the content as well as evaluating the processes behind it. This will help you design a robust system that maximizes your teams’ efficiency.

Repeating specific actions can also help you analyze the techniques working well for your content team and the techniques that might limit their efficiency.

Analyzing Content Performance Metrics

Unlocking the full potential of your content marketing strategy hinges on one crucial activity: analyzing content performance metrics. Understanding how your content resonates with your audience not only validates your efforts but also illuminates paths for future improvement.

Why Measure Content Performance?

At its core, content performance analysis is about measuring the impact of your words and visuals. It’s about seeing beyond the surface – beyond mere views or likes – and understanding how your content influences or fails to influence your audience’s behavior and perception of your brand. By delving into metrics, you empower your team to make data-driven decisions, refine strategies, and create more of what your audience loves.

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Key Metrics to Monitor:

  1. Engagement Rates: This includes likes, shares, comments, and time spent on page. High engagement rates often indicate content that resonates well with your audience.
  2. Traffic Sources: Understanding where your visitors come from helps tailor your content strategy to leverage the most fruitful channels.
  3. Conversion Rates: The ultimate measure of content effectiveness is its ability to convert readers into customers or leads.
  4. Bounce Rates and Page Views: These metrics help gauge the relevance and stickiness of your content. High bounce rates may signal that your content is not meeting user expectations.
  5. SEO Performance: Rankings, keyword effectiveness, and backlink profiles offer insights into the SEO health of your content and its visibility on search engines.

How to Analyze These Metrics

Start with setting clear, measurable goals for each piece of content. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales, your objectives will define which metrics matter most. Utilize tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, and SEO platforms to track and interpret these metrics. Look for patterns, anomalies, or trends that can inform your content strategy.

Turning Insights into Action

The true value of analyzing content performance lies in how you use the insights gained. If a blog post has unusually high engagement, dissect its elements to understand what worked. Was it the topic, the writing style, the visuals, or the promotional channels? Conversely, if a content piece underperforms, consider revisions or A/B testing different headlines or calls to action.

Remember, content analysis is not a one-time task but a continuous process. Regular reviews allow for ongoing refinement and can significantly boost your content’s effectiveness over time. Encourage your team to embrace metrics as a fundamental part of the content creation and review process. By doing so, you ensure that your content not only reaches its intended audience but also achieves its intended impact.

In conclusion, analyzing content performance metrics is an indispensable part of a successful content strategy. It bridges the gap between creation and impact, guiding your team towards content that not only captures attention but also drives results. Embrace these analytics, and watch as your content – and your brand – grow stronger and more resonant with each review.

Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement

In the dynamic realm of content creation, establishing robust feedback loops and committing to continuous improvement are not just strategies; they are essential practices that can significantly elevate the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts.

The Power of Feedback Loops

Feedback loops are systematic processes designed to collect and analyze responses from various stakeholders, including readers, customers, team members, and content reviewers. By integrating regular feedback into your content strategy, you transform passive content into an interactive dialogue, fostering an environment ripe for growth and innovation.

Implementing effective feedback loops involves several key components:

  1. Gathering Feedback: Utilize surveys, comment sections, social media interactions, and analytics to collect diverse insights. Encourage your audience and team members to share their thoughts and experiences openly.
  2. Analyzing Feedback: Look beyond surface-level reactions to understand the underlying reasons behind the responses. Identify common themes, unexpected insights, and areas for improvement.
  3. Acting on Feedback: Use the insights gained to inform content updates, address user concerns, and refine strategies. This could mean tweaking the tone, updating outdated information, or exploring new topics that resonate with your audience.
  4. Communicating Changes: Keep your audience informed about how their feedback is shaping your content. This not only shows that you value their input but also strengthens their connection to your brand.

Cultivating Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is the natural progression from establishing feedback loops. It’s about embracing change and striving for excellence in every piece of content you produce. Here’s how to weave continuous improvement into your content review and approval process:

  1. Set Benchmarks and Goals: Define what success looks like for each piece of content based on past performance and industry standards. Use these benchmarks to measure progress and set realistic, achievable goals.
  2. Implement Regular Reviews: Schedule periodic content audits to assess the relevance, accuracy, and performance of existing content. This keeps your content fresh and aligned with your audience’s evolving needs.
  3. Foster a Culture of Learning: Encourage your team to view every piece of feedback as an opportunity for growth. Celebrate successes, but also dissect failures to extract valuable lessons.
  4. Iterate and Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try new approaches based on the feedback and analysis. Test different formats, styles, and channels to see what works best. Use A/B testing to make informed decisions.
  5. Document and Share Learnings: Keep a record of the changes made, the rationale behind them, and the results achieved. Sharing these learnings within your team not only enhances collective knowledge but also streamlines future decision-making processes.

By integrating feedback loops and a mindset of continuous improvement into your content strategy, you create a living, evolving body of work that remains relevant, engaging, and impactful. This approach not only enhances the quality of your content but also deepens your relationship with your audience, leading to greater brand loyalty and success. Remember, the journey of content optimization is ongoing, and each piece of feedback is a stepping stone to creating content that truly resonates and delivers results.

To Conclude

If your brand and website have been growing, the chances are that reviewing your content takes a long time and is a tedious process that you’d rather avoid. 

However, an effective content review strategy can help you and your team know exactly which pages need to rank in search results. Additionally, it can also help ascertain what type of content to display on your website’s main page, and how to maintain consistent performance for all your content strategies.

It might feel a bit overwhelming at first, but rest assured that it won’t be as tiresome or time consuming the second and even after that. So hand in there through the review, and we promise that your website will emerge much stronger and better after it. 

Content Review and Approval Process FAQs

What is the role of a content reviewer?

A content reviewer’s role is to evaluate and assess the quality, accuracy, relevance, and compliance of content before publication. They ensure that the content aligns with the brand’s standards, mission, and goals while also checking for SEO optimization, grammatical errors, and factual accuracy.

What is the content review and approval process?

The content review and approval process involves several steps: content creation, initial review, revisions, final approval, and publication. This process ensures that all content meets the required standards and objectives before reaching the audience. It typically involves multiple stakeholders, including content creators, reviewers, legal teams, and marketing departments.

Why is a content reviewer important?

A content reviewer is crucial for maintaining the quality and integrity of a brand’s content. They safeguard the brand’s reputation by preventing the publication of inaccurate, inappropriate, or off-brand content. Their work helps ensure consistency, reliability, and trustworthiness in all content that the audience consumes.

What is social media content review?

Social media content review is the process of examining content created for social media platforms to ensure it complies with the specific platform’s guidelines, the brand’s voice, and marketing goals. This review process also involves checking for engagement potential, visual aesthetics, and adherence to best practices for each social media channel.

What should be in a content review?

A content review should include checks for accuracy, relevance, SEO optimization, brand consistency, grammatical correctness, and user engagement potential. It should also assess the content’s alignment with marketing goals and target audience needs.

How much does a content reviewer make?

The salary of a content reviewer can vary based on location, experience, and the industry they work in. On average, content reviewers might earn anywhere from $30,000 to $70,000 per year, with variations based on seniority and specific job requirements.

Is content reviewing a good job?

Whether a content reviewer is a good job depends on the individual’s career goals and interests. It can be a rewarding career for those passionate about quality content, attention to detail, and brand integrity. It offers opportunities for growth in the fields of content management, marketing, and editorial work.

What are content review types?

Content review types can include editorial reviews, compliance checks, SEO analysis, graphic and multimedia review, and user-generated content moderation. Each type focuses on different aspects of the content to ensure comprehensive quality and effectiveness.

What is a content review practitioner?

A content review practitioner is a professional who specializes in examining and evaluating content for various purposes, such as quality assurance, compliance, SEO, and user engagement. They apply best practices and industry standards to improve and approve content before publication.


Author bio

Max Benz is a content marketing manager at Filestage and thinks that you can’t put enough emphasis on the content review process. On the side, he’s running a German SaaS director,

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